There is no set educational or training requirement Bachelors degree is recommended Important to have good experience in photography
Good job outlook. Photographers who keep their clients happy, will always have pleanty of work. Field is very competitive. 152,000 photographers in 2008
Photographers hold just over 61,000 jobs in the U.S., according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. There is really no information about food photographer salaries specifically. Freelance photographers in general earn about $18,000 annually, on average, without benefits. The photos are mostly used in magazines, advertisements, cookbooks, or for commercial clients.
Usually need to supply your own equipment since you aren’t hired by a company. There isn’t a set schedule to follow, you go according to when your clients need pictures. The equipment you need is usually a camera, different lenses, and a tripod.
I chose food photography for my career because I think the way the photographers set up the food is really fascinating. I think some of the techniques and tricks that the photographers use are interesting also. Also being a food photographer is a great way to introduce new foods in your life because there are many different foods that you have to photograph.
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