Yahweh Elohim of Your Fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob I Beseech Thee, Show Me Thy Glory Class 3.


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Presentation transcript:

Yahweh Elohim of Your Fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob I Beseech Thee, Show Me Thy Glory Class 3

Promises to Abraham, Isaac & Jacob Yahweh’s Name declared – Exodus 3:6,15 3 Men Singled Out for the Same Promise – Abraham – Genesis 12:2,3 In thee shall all families of the earth be blessed (Gen. 13:16; 22:17,18; Abraham’s seed a multitude) – Isaac – Genesis 26:2-4 In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed

Promises to Abraham, Isaac & Jacob 3 Men Singled Out for the Same Promise – Jacob – Genesis 28:13,14 In thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed (Gen. 35:11; 48:3,4; multiply thee) 3, Just 3, Subsequent Generations, not even Joseph! – Why did it end at Jacob?

Old Testament Usage 1 Chron. 29:18– David – Yahweh Elohim of Abraham, Isaac & Israel 1 Kings 18:36– Elijah – Yahweh Elohim of Abraham, Isaac & Israel 2 Chron. 30:6– Hezekiah – Yahweh Elohim of Abraham, Isaac & Israel

New Testament Usage Luke 20:36-38– Christ – The God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob Acts 3:13– Peter – The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers Acts 7:32– Stephen – I am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob

Hebrews 11 Vs. 8,9 – Abraham dwelt with Isaac & Jacob, heirs with him of the same promise Vs. 15,16 – they came out of Ur – Called (surnamed) their God – I am the God of... – tremendous honour on Abraham, Isaac & Jacob

Hebrews 11:8, 9, 15, 16 Why them? – Abrahamas a father – Isaacin 1 special son – you will see who I am – Jacobout of the son springs a multitude of mighty ones – through a multitude

Abraham – as a Father Genesis 17:4,5 Fatherhood Abraham = a father of many nations Romans 4:1, 11, 12, Father of all that believe Father of us all Father of many nations

Isaac – in a Son Genesis 21:2-5, 7; 22: 2, 12-18; 24:6; 25:6, 11, 19 Son Only son James 2:21 Hebrews 11:17, 18 Abraham our father offered Isaac HIS son His only begotten son

Jacob – Through a Multitude Genesis 23:3, 13, 14; 35:9-11; 48:3, 4 Fruitful Multiply A Multitude of People Acts 7:6-8, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and 12 patriarchs Beginning of multitudinous seed

The Multitude of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob Yahweh was to be manifest as a Father, in 1 special son, through a multitude – Abraham, the Father; Isaac, the son & Jacob – father of 12 tribes All of that multitude will be a manifestation of the son who is a manifestation of Yahweh – Yahweh Elohim – “He will be” manifested through a multitude of “mighty ones”

The Multitude of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob Abraham, Isaac and Jacob’s Multitude – Gen. 28:3 – multiplication into a multitude – Gen. 46:3 – to be made in Egypt! Israel multiplied in Egypt – Ex. 1:1-7 – Israel fruitful, multiplied, waxed exceeding mighty – Deut. 26:5 – fulfilled in land of spiritual darkness – Acts 7:6-8,14-17

The Multitude of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob Gentiles to be of the multitude – Spiritual Mighty Ones of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob can be developed in Egypt, wherever that is, ie., in the world of sin. – John 17:11,14,15 - I pray that you take them not out of the world, for they are in the world, not of it

Gen. 17:4,5 Fatherhood Abraham = a father of many nations Rom. 4:1,11,12, Father of all that believe Father of us all Father of many nations Gen. 21:2-5,7 Gen. 22:2, Gen. 24:6 Gen. 25:6,11,19 Son Only son James 2:21 Heb. 11:17,18 Abraham our father offered Isaac HIS son His only begotten son Gen. 28:3,13,14 Gen. 35:9-11 Gen. 48:3,4 Fruitful Multiply A multitude of people Acts 7:6-8,14-18 Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and 12 patriarchs Beginning of multitudinous seed