Love’s Cradle: The Relationship Enhancement ® Program to Build Strong Families © IDEALS, By Bernard Guerney, Jr. and Mary Ortwein. All rights reserved. Material contains information which resulted from Contract between Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under which IDEALS was a subcontractor. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the view or the politics of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
Conceptual Model Generalization Understanding Problem Solving Skillful Expression Enhanced Relationship
Our Development Process Sought to Understand BSF Couples Adapted Relationship Enhancement to meet BSF Needs Integrated Additional Content to Help Couples Solve Their Practical Problems Created a Program that Builds Long Term Bonds
BSF Couples Young Unmarried African-American, Latino, and Caucasian Parents Often with Educational Issues Sometimes with Counseling Aversions Often from Families without Positive Marriage Traditions On the Cusp of Generational Poverty With More Dreams than Skills
Relationship Enhancement ® Skills for Understanding Showing Understanding Skills for Effective Self-Expression Expression Skill Discussion Coaching Skill Skills for Effective Problem Solving Problem Solving Self-Change Helping Others Change Skills for Transitioning to Everyday Life Generalization Skill Maintenance Skill Conflict Management
RE’s Endowment Over 35 years of history with 27 studies of effectiveness Couple studies Education program studies Most studies Levels IV & V Hollingshead Index Effective, even when there are serious problems Love’s Cradle program matches proven research protocols
Giblin Chart
RE Program Adapted to Meet Needs of BSF Couples Educational methods Psychological issues Cultural concerns Content adaptations
Adaptations to Meet Educational Needs 5 th grade reading level Recipe-like directions Multi-media & multi-modal Spiral learning process Easy to read handouts Increased coaching Follow-ups with home visitors Agency immersion approach
Adaptations to Psychological Issues Removal of psychological jargon Emotional regulation and conflict management techniques added from the ER program Training of staff to identify potential violence, substance abuse, and mental health issues. RE therapy also available
Adaptations to Cultural Concerns African-American, Latino, and Caucasian names and video couples used Review by ethnic consultants Spanish video and participant handouts Ongoing supervision-consulting to help Leaders use culturally appropriate language
Adaptations to Content All basic RE content is retained Content relative to the needs of new parents has been added Demonstrations feature 12 common BSF couple problems. Solutions are modeled. Couple dialogues build from additional curriculum content Each session combines RE skills with additional BSF curriculum to conclude with a skilled dialogue about a BSF issue
Additional Content Affection Family Dance of Attunement Adjusting to Parenthood Emotional Regulation Trust and Commitment Looking at Marriage Complex Family Relationships Financial Decision-Making
12 Common Problems Feeling loved Being a couple Adjusting to a baby Sharing chores Balancing self & family interests Commitment Making financial choices Jealousy Trust and trustworthiness Dealing with “ex’s” Managing emotions Extended families
How Love’s Cradle Builds Bonds Centers on RE’s foundational concept of empathy Ties couple empathy with McClelland’s and Shure’s work on parent-infant Dance of Attunement to create family connections Builds on affection research Develops the concept of coupleship Facilitates creation of BSF couple communities
How Love’s Cradle Nurtures Marriageability Strong focus on problem solving Generalization to home in every session Couple relationship becomes a greenhouse for developing interpersonal skills Immersion approach enables couples to build experiences
The Love’s Cradle Curriculum Core program 10 two-hour weekly sessions that focus on communication skills and concerns of new parents 4 follow-up six-hour modules on Trust, Marriage, Money, and Family Relationships
A Typical Session Support Each Other at Home Creating a Native American Expression Stick Expression and Discussion Skill Supporting Each Other Parenting Stresses & Stretches 5) Generalization of skills to everyday life 3) Couple dialogue using RE skills about an issue related to the topic of the night 4) Affection building activity 2) RE skills instruction 1) Group activities about a content topic
Spiral Presentation of Concepts Spiral defined: Concepts are repeated with increasing complexity, each time building on the material covered
Dialogues Use RE skills Center on the topic of the night Include tough issues Are coached May be extended to home
Affection Building Activities Increase in complexity End each session on a positive note Facilitate development of couple bonds
Generalization Begins with Activities Moves to Implementing Agreements Helps Couples Apply Skills to Family and Work Situations Helps Couples Integrate Skills into their Everyday Ordinary Interactions
Materials Leader’s Guide Activity handouts for each session RE skill handouts Instructional video Couple dialogue demonstration videos Spanish video, handouts Powerpoint of RE Skills Additional Learning Aids
Training and Implementation Understand needs and particulars of each program Provide training and ongoing supervision Work through problems together Enable programs to be self-sufficient within a year
Understanding Each Local Program Awareness of local needs Collaborative planning Local tailoring
Training and Supervision Initial Training 3 days training for all program staff Training includes: RE skills Session leadership Supplemental topics
Ongoing Support Group follow-up practice session outlines Easy free and consulting access Newsletter and bridge calls to share ideas among sites Train the Trainer process for sustainability Video based or on-site consulting available
Love’s Cradle: Is founded on an understanding of BSF couples and is designed to meet specific couple and community needs Provides couples with skills to communicate with each other effectively Helps couples face and find their own solutions to problems of new parenthood, coupleship, emotional regulation, trust, complex family relationships, and finances. Gradually builds couples affection and couple satisfaction. Moves couples toward commitment and to considering marriage.
4. Questions