Background There has been a lot of research on the topic of adolescent bullying recently However the research is limited when it comes to Who is doing the bullying And the recent addition of cyber bullying, as a form of how they are being bullied, with verbal and physical abuse already studied widely
Research Question Does the method of bullying, who is doing the bullying, and what they are being bullied for, change the quality of future interpersonal relationships and the self-esteem they hold within those relationships? Who: A close friend, peer, anonymous person, family member How: Cyber bullying versus verbal abuse versus physical abuse Why: Academics, social behavior, family background, and appearance
Hypothesis Self-esteem will be more adversely affected if the victim is being bullied for appearance based reasons or by a family member. The quality of the victim’s interpersonal relationships will be worse if they are bullied by a close friend and/or in the form of cyber bullying.
Participants/ Sample Undergraduate and Graduate students Will be given course credit for participation Diverse population from 4 different universities located strategically around the country Estimated sample of 200 students from each school
Measures The Teasing Questionnaire- Revised (Storch et al., 2004) Revised Adult Attachment Scale (Collins, 1996) Janis-Field Self-Esteem Scale With Appearance Subscale (Pliner, Chaiken & Flett, 1990) Friendship Information Questionnaire (Foth, Scott & Heimberg, 2004) Will be revised to include the quality of those friendships and will be pilot tested Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (Goodman, 1997)
Procedure Students selected from around the country After IRB approval and informed consent, the participants will be given instructions to take each of the five measures They will not be told what the study is about as to not alter their responses One month later the same participants will take a re- test to ensure consistency After they have taken the questionnaires twice there will be a debriefing
Analysis Who WhyHow Who Close friend Peer Family member Anonymous Why Academics Social behavior Family background Appearance How Cyber bullying Verbal abuse Physical abuse
Analysis We want to determine what combinations (of who, why and how) affect the victim the most negatively ‒ which causes lower self-esteem, both personally and in relationships, as well as the quality of the relationships the victim has We will compare the quality of the interpersonal relationships between the participants who were bullied in every combination with those who reported not having been a victim
Analysis Retrospective correlational study based on 5 Dependent Variables: each of the 5 questionnaires They will be analyzed to determine a correlation between who, why, and how
Possible Limitations The sample size may be hard to acquire Participants may not be honest and forthcoming regarding their victimization history or current self- esteem Sample is not representative The frequency of bullying is hard to determine We aren’t differentiating between the victims who were bullied for a month versus throughout the duration of high school and middle school