Education, scientific literacy and research: the role of the Azores University Maria do Carmo Barreto Pró-reitoria para a Ciência e Tecnologia
Science and technology have grown exponentially, particularly since the 19th century Paradox: surrounded by technology, with easy access to scientific knowledge beyond our wildest dreams, most of us are scientifically illiterate.
Painter Biologist Leonardo da Vinci Engineer Musician Mathematician Renaissance to late 19th century: small elite with knowledge both wide and deep.
20th century: Scientific and technological boom Education for all Specialization in Science and Technology + Increased advances in Science & Technology Scientific literacy did not grow as fast as knowledge
We benefit from Sci&Tech and use “sciencey” expressions in our speech without knowing the basics of science: “he was light-years away from me”; “unemployment grew exponentially”; “omega-3 is good for you” Acquiring knowledge is not only important to find a good job, it is the basis of citizenship and of freedom of choice.
Founded 39 years ago Highly important for development in the Azores Key role in autonomic development Strategically placed to be a bridge between Azores and USA and Canada Azores University has a major role in developing knowledge, scientific literacy and research in the Azores.
N EW S 3 Campuses: Faial, Terceira & S. Miguel Faial Terceira S. Miguel
Faial Images: Robert Patzner - ImagDOP / Ana Colaço
S. Miguel
Teaching – practical classes are a strong feature
Research in a diversity of areas
Research Centers National Government funding
Research Centers Regional Government funding
Azores University – R&D by funding and area
Strongest R&D in Azores University Biodiversity / environment Biotechnology Volcanology / seismology
Strongest R&D in Azores University Biodiversity / environment Biotechnology Volcanology / seismology
Strongest R&D in Azores University Biodiversity / environment Tourism Nature-based tourism Trails / Whale-watching Birdwatching / Diving Fishing Fishing stocks / sustainability Strategic economic sectors
Strongest R&D in Azores University Biodiversity / environment Biotechnology Volcanology / seismology
Strongest R&D in Azores University Biotechnology Novel compounds from Natural Sources with pharmacological or biotechnological applications Extremophiles Enzymes & bacteria working in extreme environments with industrial application Natural Products with unique structures – new drugs Enzymes & bacteria used to produce energy from waste biomass (H 2, CH 4 )
Strongest R&D in Azores University Biotechnology Genetic profiling and in vitro production of economically-relevant crops and organims Genetic selection of plant varieties with increased resistance against virus, fungi and bacterial diseases (e.g., vine) - germobank In vitro production of traditional fruit varieties (e.g. pineapple, banana, apple ) & of endemic plants Environmentally-friendly natural pesticides from nematodes & bacteria
Strongest R&D in Azores University Biodiversity / environment Biotechnology Volcanology / seismology
Strongest R&D in Azores University Volcanology / seismology Monitoring of volcanic and seismic activity Risk assessment & safety (e.g., earthquakes, eruptions, landslides) Effect of volcanic environment in human & ecosystem health (e.g., gases & heavy metals in soil)
Azores University – interaction with local SMEs & main economic sectors Milk sector & dairy industry Nature-based & diving tourism Fishing & related industry
Azores University – Studies for Local Government Environment, Land Planning PiscicultureControl of pests with economic impact
Azores University – take-away message: Excellent Research in Biodiversity, Environment, Biotechnology & Volcanology (also other groups with good potential, e.g., Sociology, History). ) Ideal geographic location – bridge between Europe & American continent (also, connection between Azores and USA / Canada azorean-descent population) Research is reflected in teaching - sea, volcanology, tourism, history as privileged areas
Thank you for your attention Maria do Carmo Barreto