Academic writing for all HSC subjects. ESSAYS & SHORT ANSWERS
Short Answers Question Read the Question several times “What is the question asking?” What is the directive term? (e.g Explain, outline, identify, discuss) The directive term will indicate how much to write and you will notice the mark allocated will refelct the directive term e.g Outline/identify= 1-2 marks Explain/discuss = 3-5marks If S/A asks you to identify “2 factors” then make sure you answer by listing: 1……. 2…….
Short Answer Questions (cont.) When writing a paragraph answer you MUST: Make a statement S Explain the statement E Use example/s to reinforce/support X GET TO THE POINT Do not restate the question, it indicates you don’t know the answer…we call it WAFFLE. Your aim is to demonstrate your knowledge!!
How to improve S/A responses…. PRACTICE……. Past HSC papers Time yourself (exam conditions) Write your own questions by using the syllabus (like teachers do..). Use a range of directive terms and then test yourself. If you’re not sure about writing your own questions, use past HSC papers as a guide. THE SYLLABUS IS CRUCIAL TO STUDY.
ESSAY WRITING FOR ALL SUBJECTS ! Key Components to writing a GOOD essay. 1. Reading the question 1. What are/is the directive term/s and how many parts to the question (these are linked!!) 2. Does the question overlap 2-3 topics? 2. Framework/structure of the essay 1. Using ‘signpost’ paragraphs give structure.. 3. Why writing a plan (in the exam) is NOT a waste of time.
1. READ THE QUESTION Read it several time to establish what it is asking. Underline the directive term/s How many directive terms ? This indicate how many parts to the question. “Outline the features……..and discuss the implications….” (= 2 parts) and remember the directive term indicates how much to be written. REMEMBER YOU MUST ANSWER ALL PARTS OF THE QUESTION IF YOU WANT A BAND 5 OR 6! MARKERS are looking for how well you answer the question not how much you can write on the whole topic… sympathy marks are awarded!!!
2. Essay framework/structure Aim of the writer = show the marker you are/have answered the question. To do this you must have a logical well structures essay ALL ESSAYS MUST HAVE: Introduction ‘Signpost’ paragraph (1) which indicates your ideas/information to answer pt 1 of the question. For each idea/argument etc identified in your ‘signpost’ paragraph you need at least a paragraph on each. (a paragraph should= aprox lines) ‘Signpost’ paragraph (2) which indicates your ideas/information/arguments to answer pt 2 of the question. For each idea/argument etc identified in your ‘signpost’ paragraph you need at least a paragraph on each. AND SO ON. The number of parts to the question will determine how many signpost paragraphs you need.
2. Essay framework/structure (cont). Advantages of ‘signpost’ paragraphs Structure Ordered thoughts Logical flow Make it easier for the marker to see you are answering the question Easier to read Reduces waffle
3. Writing a Plan in the exam!! Investment in time. Do it first up! Then do M/C & S/A…you may get ideas from these to add to your plan. ‘Random thoughts’ can be added before you write…. Means you’ve read & thought about the question and have put ideas for each section of question in order! IT BECOMES YOUR MAP… need to stop and think again…just refer to the plan.