Not the same as Animal Welfare Should not be used as if it means the same as animal welfare. Media may wrongly use the two terms interchangeably.
Over 400 animal rights groups exist today Came into prominence in the 1960s and 1970s Initially mainly made up of urban people, many of whom were vegetarians
Humanize animals to have the same rights as humans (humans are also animals). To use animals for human purposes is morally and ethically wrong and reflects a bias that humans are superior to animals. Animals should never the used for food, clothing, medical research, and/or product testing. Animals should not be used for entertainment. Believe in using ecoterrorism to prevent people from using animals if necessary.
Setting animals free Blowing up labs * Poisoning
Largest animal rights group in the world. It has over 800,000 members. Since 1980, it has been dedicated to establishing and protecting rights of animals. Against eating, wearing, experimenting and using for entertainment.
Rooted in any of several schools of thought: History of animal domestication dating back to Chinese and Egyptians. Early United States use of animals for food, clothing, shelter, transportation, and horsepower to perform tasks. Creation view that God gave man dominion over animals which includes use and care (Genesis 1:26). Various religions that use animal sacrifice and include great detail as to how to humanely slaughter the animal.
Animal welfare influenced early laws (Laws protecting animals were present before the animal rights movement):
Was passed by U.S. Congress in 1966 Protects certain animals from inhumane treatment Requires minimum standards of treatment and care Guarantees research animals the following: veterinary care anesthesia or pain relievers opportunity to exercise daily
Is a branch of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Enforces the Animal Welfare Act Administers license and registration of regulated commercial animal breeders, dealers, transportation companies and research facilities
Aristotle – among the first to experiment on animals Louis Pasteur – produced the germ theory of medicine by using anthrax in sheep Peter Singer – wrote “Animal Liberation” Experimentation on Animals Rudolph Jaenisch- produced the first transgenic mammal First closed in 1996
Charles Darwin – promoted Cruelty of Animals Act of 1876 Supported testing of animals for advancements in physiology and medicine Charles Bernard – “Prince of vivisection” and “Father of Physiology” He argued the effects of experimenting on animals vital to health of humans
Animals should be treated humanely regardless of how they are used. Animals should receive proper housing and nutrition. Animals should receive proper care for disease prevention and treatment for injuries. Euthanasia or slaughter should be done in a humane way.