Autumn Rhythm, 1950, (oil on canvas, 105 in x 207 in.), Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Pollock, Autumn Rhythm (Number 30), 1950, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, detail
Left: Pollock, The Moon Woman, 1942 (oil on canvas, x cm), Guggenheim Museum, New York Right: Picasso, detail of Guernica, 1937 (oil on canvas, x cm), Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid
Full Fathom Five, 1947, (oil on canvas with nails, tacks, buttons, key, coins, cigarettes, matches, etc., 1.29 x.76 m), The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Number 1A, 1948, (oil and enamel on canvas, 1.73 x 2.64 m), The Museum of Modern Art, New York