Slide 1 Using ISO 8000 to get the data you need Peter Benson Executive Director ECCMA Copyright © 2011 by ECCMA All rights reserved International Association of Data Quality Managers All ERP applications run better on ISO 8000 quality data!
Slide 2 Data is the New Reality!
Slide 3 Motivation for ISO and ISO 8000 Controlling costs requires better asset, product, component and process visibility. This is achieved through faster, better and lower cost access to authoritative characteristic data.
Slide 4 Motivation for ISO and ISO 8000 Controlling costs requires better asset, product, component and process visibility. This is achieved through faster, better and lower cost access to authoritative characteristic data.
Slide 5 “From a logistics information perspective… an F-15 is just 171,000 parts flying in very close formation.” Cataloging and Standardization Act, Public Law as codified by United States Code, Title 10, Chapter 145 – Cataloging and Standardization Sec (a) The Secretary of Defense shall develop a single catalog system and related program of standardizing supplies for the Department of Defense. (b) In cataloging, the Secretary shall name, describe, classify, and number each item recurrently used, bought, stocked, or distributed by the Department of Defense, so that only one distinctive combination of letters or numerals, or both, identifies the same item throughout the Department of Defense. Only one identification may be used for each item for all supply functions from purchase to final disposal in the field or other area. Motivation for ISO and ISO 8000
Slide 6 Common ERP Descriptions – Tyre BS 435/R25 Standard Purpose E3 2 Star Radial – Tyre Bridgestone Part Number – Tire Bridgestone 435/95 R25 Standardised Long Description: Tire: Pneumatic, Vehicular: Service Type for Which Designed: Loader Tire Rim Nominal Diameter: 25' Tire Width: 445mm Aspect Ratio: 0.95 Tire Ply Arrangement: Radial Ply Rating: 2* Tire & Rim Association Number: E3 Tread Material: Standard Tire Air Retention Method: Tubeless Tire Load Index and Speed Symbol: NA Tread Pattern: VHB TKPH Rating: 80 Standardised Short Description: Tire Pneumatic: Loader 25‘ 445mm * – Bridge Stone 25inch 435/95 A Commercial Example of the Application of ISO 8000 A Commercial Example of the Application of ISO 8000
Slide National standard organization members (one per country) (AFNOR, ANSI, BSI CNIS, DIN, GOST, SABS, SASO ……….) Central Secretariat in Geneva –150 staff 192 Technical Committees –3 000 Technical bodies – domain experts* (*you can become an ISO expert ) ISO TC 184 Automation systems and integration Standardization in the field of automation systems and their integration for design, sourcing, manufacturing and delivery, support, maintenance and disposal of products and their associated services. Areas of standardization include information systems, robotics for fixed and mobile robots in industrial and specific non-industrial environments, automation and control software and integration technologies. ISO TC 184 SC4: ISO 8000 data quality - ISO exchange of quality data International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Slide 8 New Work Item (NWI) Ballot simple majority and at least 5 countries supporting Committee Draft (CD) Ballot 2/3 majority Draft International Standard (DIS) Ballot 2/3 majority Final Draft International Standards (FDIS)Ballot 2/3 majority International Standard (IS) ISO Standards Development Process A two year (minimum) process designed to ensure international consensus
Slide 9 What do standards do and how do they do it What do standards do? Standards make interoperability possible, they allow us all to benefit from economies of scale, they set minimum expectations (safety for example). How?: Standards are specifications – by claiming compliance with a standard you are publicly announcing that you meet the requirements of the standard. ISO Standards contain: Definition of terms If a term is not defined in a standard, the Oxford English dictionary (OED) definition applies. A term may be defined in another ISO standard, in which case it will be referenced. New definitions are called “normative” definitions, they are an integral part of the standard. Normative text If you claim compliance you are stating that you have implemented these clauses. Informative text This is helpful information, you do not have to agree with it or apply it.
Slide 10 ISO 8000 Quality Data Data that meets requirements Data that is Portable
Slide 11 ISO ISO 8000 Portable data Quality data is portable data; it is independent of the software application and accessible by any application Data de-dup app Data de-dup app Data quality analysis app Data quality analysis app Data validation app ISO data standards are the antidote to application “lock-in” UserApplication Operating system Hardware
Slide 12 Please be advised that the change request has been fully accepted by the IPET during the IPET 2010/02 meeting this week. We will now forward the change request to the MCG and other expert teams for their approval and inclusion in Issue 5.0 of the S2000M. ASD 2000M Chapter 1B section 3.1 will now have the following statement, once approved by the MCG and will be published Mar 2011: The Contractor shall supply identification and characteristic data in accordance with ISO :2009 on any of the selected items covered in his contract. Following an initial codification request as specified in section 3.2, the home NCB shall present a list of the required properties in accordance with the US Federal Item Identification Guides. ASD Specification 2000M (S2000M) is a standard that specifies the information exchange requirements for most materiel management functions commonly performed in supporting international projects. S2000M is based on a business model agreed between military customers and industry suppliers. ISO 8000 Referenced in a NATO Contract
Slide 13 The data shall be ISO :2009 compliant. The data shall comply with registered ISO compliant data requirements The data shall be encoded using concept identifiers from an ISO compliant open technical dictionary that supports free resolution to concept definitions. The data shall be provided in ISO compliant Extensible Markup Language (xml). The contractor, sub-contractor or supplier shall, as and when requested to do so, supply technical data in electronic format on any of the items covered in this contract as follows: Providing the data necessary for the safe and efficient operation of plant and equipment is an established legal requirement in most countries. Creating ISO :2009 compliant data does not require the payment of any license fees or the use of specialized software, it is within the technical ability of all suppliers regardless of their size. ISO 8000 Referenced in a Commercial Contract
Slide 14 Data requester Data provider Sub eOTD-i-xml (data requirements statement) ISO eOTD-q-xml (query) ISO Sub-Tier eOTD-q-xml Sub-Tier eOTD-r-xml eOTD-r-xml (reply) ISO A data provider may not have all the data requested so they in turn send a request through their supply chain using the same ISO standard exchanges Automating the Data Supply Chain
Slide 15 Data requester SnSn eOTD-r-xml eOTD-q-xml Internet Research Third Party Master Data S1 System integrator S2 Manufacturer S3 Supplier S4 Wholesaler S5 Company that does manual internet research S6 Company that does automated internet research S7 Company that sells parts data S n Company that provides data services Distributed Data Gathering Scenarios
Slide 16 ISO 8000 General Principles Part 1 Introduction Part 2 Terminology Master Data Part 100 introduction Part 110 Syntax Semantic encoding Meets requirements Part 120 Provenance Part 130 Accuracy Part 140 Completeness Transaction data ISO 8000 Family of Standards
Slide 17 There must be one! It must be referenced in the data and the reference must be resolvable to the syntax, if it is not freely available the data must be labeled ISO :2009 fee based encoded. EDI (ISO 9735), ebXML, SWIFT MT, SWIFT MX, ISO 20022, eOTD-r-xml (ISO 22745) are all acceptable syntaxes. Master Data Part 110 Syntax ISO Syntax
Slide 18 All metadata must be explicitly defined either in an external open dictionary or the definition must be contained in the data. if it is not freely available the data exchange must be labeled as ISO :2009 fee based encoded. Any defined metadata is acceptable. This includes the field, headings or attributes that are “explicitly defined” in electronic forms, spreadsheets or database tables. Master Data Part 110 Semantic encoding ISO Semantic Encoding
Slide 19 Plane The Need for Semantic Encoding
Slide 20 The Need for Semantic Encoding Robot
Slide 21 eOTD (ECCMA Open Technical Dictionary): a registry of terminology from many sources where each concept is assigned a unique and permanent public domain identifier and where concept identifiers may be mapped to each other and ranked according to their use (ISO 22745). Semantic Encoding
Slide 22 Terminology Industry Terminology SDO Terminology SDO Terminology SDO Terminology Public domain concept identifiers Free identifier resolution to underlying terminology (web services) Hyperlink to source standards Multilingual Multiple terms, definitions and images linked to single concept identifier ECCMA Open Technical Dictionary (eOTD) ISO ECCMA Open Technical Dictionary (eOTD) ISO 22745
Just as with music notation and engineering symbols, the eOTD concept identifiers are simply used to communicate more accurately in a language independent environment. eOTD A unique public domain identifier is assigned to a concept # #1table # #1chair # #1weight # #1length # #1Monday # #1kilogram ECCMA Open Technical Dictionary (eOTD) MusicEngineering
Slide 24 eOTD Identifier Coded eOTD Identifiers Resolved Rendered Semantic Encoding Using ISO Property ID Value Measure ID # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #1 Class ID: # #1 Property term Value Measure term PRODUCT NUMBER NOMINAL THREAD DIAMETER 1.0INCHES WIDTH ACROSS FLATS 1.450INCHES WIDTH ACROSS CORNERS 1.653INCHES HEAD HEIGHT0.591INCHES COUNT PER PACK 10 PACK PRICE 0.80US DOLLAR Class Name: Bolt, Machine Bolt,Machine; Product Number: ; Nominal thread diameter: 1.0 inches; Width across flats: inches; Width across corners: inches; Head height: inches; Count per pack: 10; Pack price: $0.80 (M-Bolt;NTD1.0”;WAF1.45”;CPP10)
Slide 25 Requirements support a business function, granting access to a computer, a website or a software program, simply asking for the data needed to deliver the right product or service, these are all data requirements. As long as the data meets the requirements it is considered quality data. Be careful what you ask for – data quality starts with the quality of the request for data ISO Meets Requirements Master Data Part 110 Meets requirements
Slide 26 It is all about the requirements Quality data is data that meets requirements nothing more – nothing less! Peter R. Benson Requirements Define Quality
Slide 27 eOTD-i-xml (data requirements statement) ISO The buyer, item manager or user as the data requestor defines their requirements for data: What is the item name and what characteristic data do I need? A data requirement statement is created as an eOTD-i-xml identification guide, an XML file that conforms to ISO part 30 in which the item name is the class and the characteristic data is represented by property-value pairs What is the common name in the eOTD ?: Bearing,Ball,Annular Bearing,Ball,Annular What do I need to know about this bearing in order to buy or manage it? This is a data requirement statement also known as an identification guide or a cataloguing template. BEARING,BALL,ANNULAR Inner Diameter Outer Diameter Width # Rows Sealing Method Load Rating Speed Rating Data requestor Properties selected from the eOTD What data do you need to successfully accomplish a task? Data requirements are function specific, they change over time, from company to company and from function to function What does a data requirement look like?
Slide 28 A Form is a Specification of a Data Requirement
Slide 29 1.Document your business language 2.Map your business language to the eOTD* 3.Document your requirements for data* 4.Create your Master Data Ontology* –Terminology –Data requirements –Class hierarchies 5.Measure the quality of your master data* (by comparing your data to your requirements for data) * there are low cost software tools that make this process very straight forward Bringing Your Master Data into Compliance with ISO 8000