What is a Specifying Authority? What does a Specifying Authority do? Specifying Authority Tutorial Specifying Authority (SA) & CMA Overview
What is a Specifying Authority (SA) ? The entity that specifies the fenestration products/systems and components, and identifies the suppliers to be used on a commercial or nonresidential project in order to meet design and performance requirements. The Specifying Authority enters into a license agreement with NFRC and obtains an NFRC label certificate for a project. This entity may be, but is not limited to, an architect, engineer, fenestration manufacturer, general contractor or supplier. Executes a project-specific license agreement with NFRC Legal entity owning the CMA Label Certificate Label Certificates will incur no fees in 2014! Specifying Authority Tutorial
Provides the ACE with detailed project specifications Logs into CMAST and opens the notification information Digitally signs the online NFRC License Agreement Accesses the LC publically on web site Specifying Authority Tutorial What does the SA do?
Provides the ACE with detailed project specifications –This can be done via the Specifying Authority Project Data Form (see below) or by filling out a form provided by your ACE. Specifying Authority Tutorial What does the SA do?
Specifying Authority Project Data Form Specifying Authority Tutorial The Specifying Authority Project Data Form can be found on the NFRC website, on the Specifying Authority page ( This form is to help assist the Specifying Authority in providing all the pertinent information to the ACE org. The Specifying Authority Project Data Form has all the necessary data for the ACE, including the Specifying Authority & project information.
Specifying Authority Tutorial Specifying Authority Project Data Form The Specifying Authority Project Data Form will also have information regarding the ACE & IA.
Specifying Authority Tutorial Specifying Authority Project Data Form Frame, Glazing & Spacer Supplier information must also be filled out by the Specifying Authority.
Specifying Authority Tutorial Specifying Authority Project Data Form As the example here shows, you’ll need details of the framing sections to ensure your ACE has the proper components. Notice Frame Assemblies are numbered: CMA CPD ID # can be found in the CMA CPD at this link:
Specifying Authority Tutorial Specifying Authority Project Data Form As the example here shows, you’ll need details of the spacer sections to ensure your ACE has the proper components. Notice Spacer Edge Seal Assemblies are numbered: CMA CPD ID # can be found in the CMA CPD at this link:
Specifying Authority Tutorial Specifying Authority Project Data Form As the example here shows, you’ll need details of the glazing sections to ensure your ACE has the proper components. Notice Glazing Assemblies are numbered: CMA CPD ID # can be found in the CMA CPD at this link:
Specifying Authority Tutorial Specifying Authority Project Data Form As the example here shows, you’ll assemble your sections (along with width & height) to ensure your ACE has the proper components. Insert the Assembly Number as appropriate:
Logs into CMAST web and opens the notification information Specifying Authority Tutorial What does the SA do?
Digitally signs the online NFRC License Agreement Specifying Authority Tutorial
What does the SA do? Accesses the LC publically on web site Specifying Authority Tutorial
CMA Fundamental Concept CMA / ACE Training18 Glazing infill / Center of Glazing assembly Frame system / Frame assembly Spacer system / spacer assembly PRODUCT CONFIGURATION Overall product rating calculation Glazing component Spacer componentFrame component
W HERE DO C OMPONENTS C OME F ROM ? Frame Components –simulated by NFRC accredited simulations labs –Validation test by NFRC accredited lab –IA reviews test and sim report, uploads to CMAST –CMAST eliminates the need for detailed simulation! –Great simplification for general use CMA Overview CMA / ACE Training19
W HERE DO C OMPONENTS C OME F ROM ? Spacer components –simulated by NFRC accredited labs –IAs review and upload to CMAST –No validation testing NFRC offers 4 generic spacers Spacer component data are limited to date CMA Overview CMA / ACE Training20
G LAZING C OMPONENTS Manufacturers submit optical measurements to LBNL for initial review LBNL administers interlaboratory comparison to industry LBNL upload data to International Glazing database (IGDB) Manufacturers ask to participate with NFRC rating program –Pay annual participation and annual component fee CMA Overview CMA / ACE Training21
CMA Program Terms CMA Software Tool (CMAST) CMA Product Certification Program (PCP) –NFRC 705, download from Calculation Entity Approval Program (CEAP) –NFRC 708, download from –Governs CEAP Program, ACE activity –ACE-Approved Calculation Entity –ACE Organization-where ACEs employed Accreditation Policy Committee (APC) –Reports to Board, manage CEAP CMA / ACE Training22
CMA Product Certification Program (PCP) Process Product certification occurs when a product’s ratings become part of a CMA Label Certificate Products certified for a particular project can be used in subsequent projects –Will get new CPD IDs Approved components and certified products are maintained indefinitely in CMAST until they are de-listed either voluntarily or for cause CMA / ACE Training23
NFRC Ratings Available in CMAST From CMAST –U-factor -Heat loss rating –SHGC-Solar Heat Gain Coefficient rating –VT-Visible Transmittance rating Not available in CMAST –Air Leakage rating –Condensation Resistance rating (CR) Could be in future CMA / ACE Training24
CMA / ACE Training25 CMAST DEVELOPMENT –Manufacturers have components (glazings, frames, spacers) simulated, and submits to the IA CMA Process
CMA / ACE Training26 CMAST DEVELOPMENT –The IA reviews and approves all components before they are available for use in CMA –Once uploaded into the online CMAST database, components are available to all users CMA Process
CMA / ACE Training27 LABEL CERTIFICATE DEVELOPMENT –During this phase, the Specifying Authority contacts an NFRC ACE Mfr. or Ind. Organization to generate CMA Label Certificate. –The IA performs audits and spot reviews of CMA Label Certificates generated by ACE Organizations CMA Process
CMA / ACE Training28 FIELD INSPECTION PHASE –Finally, the CMA Label Certificate is posted on-site for field inspection CMA Process
CMA Quality Assurance Process Documentation Trail Audits for SAs –IA conducts a documentation (paper-trail) audit to ensure the label certificate systems match the actual systems –Confirm LC calculations match actual product using drawings and BOMs –1 in 20 (5%) chance of Label certificates audit CMA / ACE Training29
CMA I TEMS CMA may not be used on residential projects –NFRC 705, section indicates an SA may request LCs for commercial only –Limited product types, see NFRC 100, section (may be updated soon) NFRC 704 has all CMA fees (updated annually, on web site) –Many changes for manufacturers in 2014 –Limited changes for ACE Orgs CMA / ACE Training30
CMA BID R EPORT CMA / ACE Training31 Used During Plan Review or Bidding process Not Valid For Code compliance
Overview, CMA Program NFRC CMA Label Certificate (cover page): CMA / ACE Training32
Overview, CMA Program NFRC CMA Label Certificate (page 2): CMA / ACE Training33
Overview, CMA Program Supplemental information report Now Optional! Must Select before LC request! CMA / ACE Training34
CMA / ACE Training35 CMA Information
CMA AND THE B UILDING E NERGY C ODES Most states reference ASHRAE 90.1 and IECC –NFRC 100 and NFRC 200 are in each of these codes exclusively –Only defaults are alternative NFRC 100 and NFRC 200 reference are how codes make reference to CMAST and CMA program CMA / ACE Training36
CMA AND E NERGY C ODES AAMA 507 certificates not allowed per all energy codes –Defeated at IECC about 3 years ago Encourage your clients to use LCs Discourage all other compliance methods Call NFRC for clarification CMA / ACE Training37
NFRC public site: NFRC Community Site: CMA Webpage: ACEs: ym.com/default.asp?page=ACEshttp://nfrccommunity.site- ym.com/default.asp?page=ACEs NFRC Staff: Jen Padgett CMA Program Coordinator, Ray McGowan Senior Program Manager, CMAST Support – CMA / ACE Training38 Additional Resources
S PECIFYING A UTHORITY T UTORIAL You have completed the NFRC Specifying Authority Tutorial. You may sign the Supplemental Registration Form now.