Copyright © 2012, by Jay Seller, Ph.D.
In 1894 Thomas Edison and William Dickson invented the Kinetoscope and Vitascope 1895 Birth of Cinematography
The Lumiere Brothers were the earliest filmmakers they created their own device combining camera with printer and projector, called the Cinematographe Birth of Cinematography
Robert W. Paul invented a film projector - Theatrograph, first public showing in 1895
1895 Birth of Cinematography Films under a minute long and usually presented a single scene, authentic or staged, of everyday life, a public event, a sporting event or slapstick.
Silent Era Paris stage magician Georges Méliès did films of fantasy and the bizarre, including A Trip to the Moon (1902).A Trip to the Moon (1902)
Silent Era Edwin S. Porter, pushed forward the sophistication of film editing in works like the first movie Western, The Great Train Robbery (1903).The Great Train Robbery
Boom in nickelodeons, the first permanent movie theaters - 10,000 in the U.S. alone by (Cook, 1990) Silent Era
Standard length of a film remained one reel, or about ten to fifteen minutes, partly based on producers' assumptions about the attention spans of their still largely working class audiences. Silent Era
Leading the trend for longer movies, in America was director D.W. Griffith with his historical epics The Birth of a Nation ( minutes) and Intolerance (1916 – 197 minutes).The Birth of a Nation
Birth of a Nation (1915) Credited with securing the future of feature length films (films over 40 minutes) as well as solidifying the language of cinema.
Silent Era s, U.S. produced an average of 800 feature films annually, or 82% of the global total. (Eyman, 1997)
Talking Pictures , Warner Brothers Studios released The Jazz Singer,.The Jazz Singer,
Golden Age of Hollywood ’s American cinema reached its peak of efficiently manufactured glamour and global appeal during this period.
Golden Age of Hollywood Top actors of the era are now thought of as the classic movie stars, such as Clark Gable, Katharine Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart and the number one box office draw of the '30s, child performer Shirley Temple.Clark GableKatharine HepburnHumphrey Bogart Shirley Temple
Affordable for every household Brought the world to your living room Golden Era of Radio 1930’s
Golden Era of Film 1940’s Started in 1939 with The Wizard of Oz and Gone With the Wind.The Wizard of OzGone With the Wind.
Television introduced to the American public at the 1939 NY World’s Fair Golden Era of TV 1950’s
Filmmaking Process Filmmaking is a collaborative effort, bringing an assortment of talented people together. Titanic Titanic (1997)
Pre-Production Production Post Production Three Stages of Production Batman: Dark KnightBatman: Dark Knight, (2008)
Pre-Production Everything that takes place before filming begins Script, budget, locations, set construction, casting, etc. AFI Pre-Production Video The Avengers, The Avengers, (2012)
Shooting of the script, the filming process. Production The Hunger Games, The Hunger Games, (2012)
Editing and Marketing of a film Includes; advertising, printing, and distribution of a movie. Post Production Twilight: Breaking DawnTwilight: Breaking Dawn, (2012)
VaudevilleVaudeville, BurlesqueBurlesque, FolliesFollies, Theatre Style Progression
Studio System Complete control Studio contract players & staff Independent System Individual control Independent contract workers Hollywood Systems
Motion Picture Association of America, 1967 to today. Censorship in Hollywood Production Code Administration – 1934 to 1967, also known as the Hays Office (Will H. Hays, MPAA Pres )