PSY 322
Motive =Something that makes a customer pays for a service or product Memory = Brain function that allows one to save information for future use
Perception = Brain function that allows one to save information for future use Learning = Process of enhancement and development based on experience
Opinion Leaders = People who make reviews that has impact to the customers Roles & Family = People who make reviews that has impact to the customers
Reference Groups = Groups where the customers belong that can affect her buying decisions Culture & Subculture = Identifying characteristics of people to identify where they belong
Keep on comparing products Like to look for options Wants product with name Consider other offers Just take whatever they can Uses reasoning before buying Trust their judgement Doesn’t get disappointed easily
Environment Old beliefs and culture Family upbringing Relatives Their folks
Nature and nurture/environment Development and changes in age and preferences Business innovations and development
Different Language Interpretations Different Image Interpretations Different interpretation based on culture
Words are used to promote and advertise yet the public interpret each message differently depending on how they understand it. The images used to depict the advantage of a particular product over its competitor are used to persuade customers to buy it. Customer’s interpretation varies from person to person With implicative advertisements, consumers are left on their own to understand and interpret a particular ad.
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Kinard, B. R., & Webster, C. (2010). The Effects of Advertising, Social Influences, and Self-Efficacy on Adolescent Tobacco Use and Alcohol Consumption. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 44(1), Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Phillips, B. (1997). Thinking Into It: Consumer Interpretation of Complex Advertising Messages Differently. Journal of Advertising, 4(1), 4. Retrieved from ProQuest database. SMERRSTERS, D., MUSSWEILER, T., & MANDEL, N. (2010). The Effects of Thin and Heavy Media Images on Overweight and Underweight Consumers: Social Comparison Processes and Behavioral Implications. Journal of ConsumerResearch, 36(6), Retrieved form EBSCOhost Sohn, E. (2009, Decemeber). Why Women Like To Shop. Retrieved From shopping-evolution.htmlhttp:// shopping-evolution.html Montgomery, J. (2008). The Role That Personality and Motivation Play in Consumer Behavior: A Case Study on HSBC. Retrieved From