Emerging Technologies Beginning SmartBoard for Teachers
Main Menu What is a SmartBoard? Additional Resources Floating Toolbar Additional Tools Recording Features SmartBoard Welcome Center Notebook Software Capturing Objects To begin click on the section you would like to explore – After completion use the home button to return.
What is a SmartBoard? ■ Interactive white board linked with a computer and data projector ■ Works like a touch screen on a computer ■ Can be used simply as a display device for any application on your computer ■ Writing/notes can be added over any application that is displayed ■ Notebook software allows you to take notes, create interactive lessons, and print and save files.
Equipment Needed: The Basics ■ SmartBoard ■ Serial cable to connect the board and the computer ■ Data projector ■ Computer with SmartBoard software installed (see your ITF)
To Connect and Start ■ Make sure all equipment is turned off ■ Connect the rectangular end of the cable to the USB port on your computer ■ Connect the square end of the cable to the short cable on the side of the SmartBoard ■ Connect the data projector to the computer in the monitor port (it's blue) ■ Connect all power sources ■ Turn on the computer FIRST- the board is powered through the computer. There is a light on the lower right side of the board which stays green when the board becomes active ■ Turn on the data projector- you will see the computer desktop displayed. Now you're ready to go!
Orient the SmartBoard The board must be oriented so that the cursor accurately appears in the place you press on the board. ■ Press the two buttons on the board tray at the same time and the orient screen appears. ■ Important! If you bump the board, or if applications do not respond when you tap the board, reorient it. The board returns to the same place in your application after orienting
SmartBoard Tray ■ The tray has 2 buttons in the middle ❑ Press both at the same time to orient the ❑ Press the left button to display a keyboard ❑ Press the right button for right mouse clicks ■ Four “pens” and an eraser are located in the tray ■ The tray has sensors. The last item selected (picked up by you) is what will work next on the board. Example: Pick up the red pen, write on the board in red. Pick up the eraser, erase items on the board, etc. ❑ Note: Be sure to replace the item when you finish. There must be items in all 5 tray spaces, or the board will not work. If you lose an item, simply place highlighters in the tray
Mouse Clicks ■ Your finger is the mouse ■ Tap the board twice on the selected task. This is the same as a double click on a mouse ■ To use the right-mouse click, you must first press the right mouse button on the board tray. The next press on the board will display the menu normally seen with a right-mouse click
To Write on the Board ■ Choose a pen from the tray or from a toolbar. The color of the writing on the board is determined by the pen you pick up or tap on the toolbars ■ Write on the board using the pen, your finger, or another object (tennis ball, pointer, etc.)
To Erase the Board There are several ways to erase the board: ■ Choose the eraser from the tray or from a toolbar. Erase as you would using a “normal” eraser ■ Immediately after writing on the board with a pen, replace the pen in the tray and tap the board once to erase the writing ■ For large areas, choose the eraser from the tray or from a toolbar. Draw a circle around the areas that you want to erase, and tap inside the circle once. Writing is erased
Smart Keyboard ■ The keyboard allows you to type or edit text in any application that is opened on the board: ■ Choose the keyboard from the toolbar or by pressing the left button on the board tray. ■ Click once inside the document where you want the writing to begin ■ Select letters on the keyboard. Letters will appear in the document ■ Close the keyboard when finished
Practice! ■ Connect the board, data projector and computer and turn them on. (Remember what is turned on first?) ■ Orient the board ■ Open a Microsoft Word document ■ Practice writing, erasing, and using the keyboard on the board
Floating Toolbar When you select a tool, an ink layer automatically opens over whatever is displayed on the screen. This layer can be cleared or saved as desired. The toolbar gives quick access to common tools: ■ Pointer, Select Tool ■ Pen ■ Highlighter ■ Eraser ■ Lines ■ Shapes ■ Right Click ■ Keyboard ■ Notebook Software ■ Undo ■ Control Panel
Pointer, Select Tool This very important tool allows you to select an object. An object must be selected with this tool in order to make any changes to it
Pen Tool Click this button to display and choose a pen color and select transparency for your writing
Highlighter Tool Click this tool to select highlighter color and transparency
Eraser Tool Click the eraser button to select the width of the erasure area
Lines Tool Click the lines button to choose the line style, transparency, and color.
Shapes Tool Click the shapes tool to select a shape and format its color, transparency, pattern, or image
Right Click Tool When you select the right click tool, the next action on the board will display a right click menu
Keyboard The keyboard tool displays the floating keyboard.
Notebook Tool The Notebook software tool opens a new Notebook file page on the screen.
Undo Tool The Undo button does exactly what its name says- it changes the last action performed on the board to its previous action.
Customize Floating Tools The customize button displays all the tools buttons. Add or remove buttons to the floating toolbar by dragging from one area to the other, then click Done.
Practice! ■ Go to Floating Tools ■ Try out all the buttons ■ Add and remove buttons to the toolbar ■ Restore the toolbar to the default
To Record Actions on the SmartBoard ■ Select the Smart Recorder button from a toolbar or from the Notebook Welcome Center Tools tab. The recorder automatically opens. ■ Select the red button to start recording ■ When finished, select the stop button ■ When you press the stop button, a window automatically opens prompting you to save the file. The recording is saved as a Windows Media Player file. ■ After the file is saved, another window opens that allows you to view the video, if desired.
To Record Actions in the Notebook Software ■ Select the properties button or the Properties tab on the sidebar ■ Select Page Recording ■ Select Start Recording ■ When finished, select Stop Recording ■ Operate playback with the Page Recording toolbar that appears on the bottom of the page
Practice! ■ Open one of the two recorders ■ Practice writing on the board and talking at the same time ■ Save the file to your computer ■ You now have a file that can be posted to a website or ed to students!
To Operate the Screen Shade ■ Use the Screen Shade to reveal parts of the page at a time: ■ Select the screen shade button from a toolbar. The shade appears ■ Select the small round buttons on the top, bottom or sides of the shade to move it ■ Close the shade by selecting the X in the upper right corner
To Use the Spotlight ■ The spotlight is useful for highlighting important information: ■ Select the Spotlight button from a toolbar. The spotlight appears ■ Move the position of the spotlight by moving the dark part of the window ■ Change the size of the spotlight by moving the blue edge of the shape ■ Customize and close the spotlight by selecting the down arrow next to the spotlight icon and choosing the appropriate action in the menu that appears
To Use the Magnifier ■ The magnifier is useful for enlarging selected information on the board: ■ Select the Magnifier button from a toolbar. The magnifier appears ■ Tap the red box, then tap the area of the screen you want to magnify ■ Choose the red and black box to place a border around the area displayed ■ Press the black box to shade everything outside of the area ■ The little hand is tricky- drag it to different areas of the screen for magnificati
Practice! ■ Go to the Toolbar ■ Try out all the buttons ■ Add and remove buttons to the toolbar ■ Restore the toolbar to the default
SmartBoard Welcome Center ■ The Welcome Center gives you access to SmartBoard tools, the control panel, recently opened Notebook files, resources, and online help. ■ The Welcome Center opens by default when you open the Notebook software. If your school has Active Directory, you cannot open the center from the System Tray at the bottom of the desktop window. My advice is to add a button for the Welcome Center to the Floating Toolbar so you have easy access.
Welcome Center, cont. The Welcome Center has 4 tabs: ■ Quick Start ❑ Contains links to Notebook files, the control panel, orienting the board, and other ootions ■ Tools ❑ Access basic and multimedia tools ■ Teacher’s Hub ❑ Look at quick tutorials, lesson activities, samples ■ Help/Support ❑ Find the online searchable help resources here
Notebook Software ■ The SmartBoard comes with a program that provides an electronic notebook where files with text, objects and links can be created, saved and shared ■ This “Notebook” software provides access to a gallery of graphics and tools to enhance lessons ■ You can also download pre-designed lessons to your notebook which are already correlated to the curriculum standards. Check out the Additional Resources section to learn more about downloading files.
Notebook Interface ■ When you click on the Notebook button on a toolbar, a blank page in the notebook automatically opens ■ The center of the page is where you create objects ■ The toolbar at the top contains buttons for frequently used tools ■ Tabs on the sidebar provide access to the page sorter, gallery, attachments, and properties
Notebook Sidebar ■ A new Notebook page has a sidebar with 4 tabs down the side of the page. Click the double-ended arrow on the sidebar to move the tabs to different sides of the page.
Page Sorter Tab ■ Shows thumbnails of each page ■ Drag pages to change order ■ Create groups of pages ❑ Select Groups button at top of sidebar. A window opens ❑ Select Add New Group. Name the Group and add pages by click and drag
Gallery Tab ■ Access extensive gallery of images, multimedia items, backgrounds, etc. ■ The sidebar has 3 sections: search, gallery, results ■ Search the gallery for specific items by entering a search term at the top of the Gallery tab and clicking the magnifying glass next to the box. Items will appear in the bottom of the sidebar ■ You can also select gallery items in the center section without entering a search term. Select a folder to display its contents in the bottom section ■ Click and drag items from the bottom section of the gallery sidebar onto a page
Attachments Tab ■ Add hyperlinks or attach files from other applications ■ Click Insert button at the bottom of the sidebar. A menu opens ■ Choose to insert a file, then navigate to the file’s location ■ Choose to insert a hyperlink, then enter the URL or web address
Properties Tab ■ Format shapes, objects and text ■ Choose Fill Effects to change color, gradients, and patterns. You can also add an image by selecting Image > Browse, then locate the image you want to use ■ Choose Page Recording to record an action on the board
Notebook Toolbar ■ The Notebook toolbar at the top of the work space has buttons for commonly used tools. Many are similar to word processing tools
Notebook Pages ■ To Add a Page ❑ Click on the Blank Page button on the toolbar. A new page appears in the Page Sorter immediately after the currently selected page ■ To Delete a Page ❑ Navigate to the page you want to delete ❑ Select Edit > Delete Page, or press the Delete key OR ❑ Click the menu arrow of the page you want to delete in the Page Sorter ❑ Click Delete Page
Page Backgrounds To Change the Background of a Page ■ Click Format > Background on the menu at the top of the page. A sidebar opens ■ Select the color, pattern, gradient or image to use as a background To Add a Gallery Background to a Page ■ Click the Gallery tab ■ Locate the background you want to use. (Backgrounds have the lower right corner of the graphic turned up) ■ Note that you cannot delete a gallery background once it is on the page- you must delete the whole page
Text ■ Add Text ❑ Write directly in the white space with a pen from the tray ❑ Click on the pen, creative pen, or line button on the Notebook toolbar and write or draw with your finger ❑ Click in the white space where you want typed text to begin. Type with a keyboard. The text will appear in a box with an editing toolbar you can use to customize the text
Objects ■ Anything that is added to the Notebook work space is considered an object: written text, typed text, lines or pictures ■ To work with an object, you must first click on the pointer in the Notebook toolbar at the top of the white space ■ Objects have properties that can be changed ■ Objects can be cloned, moved and resized ■ Objects can be linked to sound or Internet web pages
More on Objects ■ Add an Object ❑ Add text ❑ Add a graphic from the Gallery. Click on the Gallery tab. Locate the graphic you want. Drag it to the work space ❑ Use the Insert menu to add other graphics, images and content
More on Objects ■ Delete an Object ❑ Select the object you want to delete with the pointer ❑ Click the Delete button on the Notebook toolbar (the red X) ❑ You can also delete an object from its corner menu
More on Objects ■ Add a link to an object ❑ Select the object to be linked ❑ Press the menu arrow and choose Link. The Insert Link dialog box opens ❑ Select the link type and launch method ❑ Click OK
More on Objects ■ Clone ❑ Any object can be cloned (duplicated exactly) ❑ Select the object ❑ Click the menu arrow ❑ Choose clone. A duplicate of the object appears ❑ Move the clone to where you want it on the page ■ Infinite Clone ❑ Select the object ❑ Click the menu arrow ❑ Choose Infinite Cloner ❑ Press on the object and drag to create a clone. Repeat as many times as you want
Practice! ■ Open a new Notebook page ❑ Practice different ways to add, alter, and delete text and objects from the page ■ Add a second page ❑ Practice moving text and objects from page to page ■ Be sure to practice cloning objects
To Capture a Graphic, an Area, or a Web Page ■ The screen capture toolbar allows you to capture different types of information to a Notebook software page: ■ Click on a toolbar button to capture a rectangular area, a window, a screen, or a freehand shape ■ Select the area to capture by dragging across or around it ■ When you release, the area is automatically transferred to a new Notebook software page ■ Note that this captured information is not actually saved as a file until you go to File > Save or Save As
Capture an Entire Document ❑ Open the document ❑ Click File > Print ❑ In the window that opens, select Smart Notebook Print Capture ❑ The document is automatically sent to a new Notebook page
Practice! ■ Open Notebook software ■ Practice capturing data to a page
Additional Resourcers SMARTtExchange - Join for free and download thousands of pre-made Smartboard lessons SMARTClassroom YouTube Channel Watch videos created by Smart for each feature of the Smartboard EduScapes – Engaging Learners the Smartboard Way Premade lessons that integrate with SmartBoards