TT Unit Ops Group 23 rd January 2015 LT1, 7 Bristo Square.


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Presentation transcript:

TT Unit Ops Group 23 rd January 2015 LT1, 7 Bristo Square

Agenda 1.Action Points from previous meeting 2. 15/16 location allocation timeline and deadlines 3. 15/16 timetabling: Template management Activity variants Personal TT update BI Explorer report update 4. Week numbering/labelling in Enterprise 5. Centralisation of services: TT data management Location management 6. Future of Student Timetabling – project proposal update 7. TT Unit website updates 8. AOB

1. Action Points from 1 st July 2014 meeting ACTION POINTOWNERUPDATE To further simplify the Course Timetable Browser disclaimer TT UnitOngoing To link 13/14 data to the BI Suite so that class list reporting can be tested ISCompleted To investigate the random allocation of academic names when scheduling a course TT UnitTT Unit will feed back at meeting

2. 15/16 location allocation timeline and deadlines

3. 15/16 Timetabling AreaUpdate Template ManagementTT Unit will hold workshops during Feb/March Activity VariantsTT Unit is reviewing the use of variants Personal TimetablesSA conducted on a daily basis Jan ,280 students with partial timetables Aug 2014 – 20, 957

4. Week numbering/labelling in Enterprise A request was received in October from a School as to whether the Web Timetables could be changed to show the week dates rather than the semester week numbers. Samples of current view - This may be possible but would only show up as “week commencing …” Is there (could there be) a wider demand for this kind of change in other Schools or is this something that can remain as is?

5. Centralisation of Services

Timetabling Process

School Review Outcome

Management of Gen Teach Space Centralised management from 15/16: – Central Area – King’s Buildings – Holyrood £466k capital funding to upgrade AV kit in identified rooms Bookings to be managed by TT Unit – priority system in operation for Schools

Proposed Enhanced Service TT Unit/LTSTS ServiceBenefit Service level Commitment of all timetabling requirements to Enterprise  Ensures quality and consistency of key data  Ensures provision of accurate student personalised timetables  Removal of requirement for Enterprise expertise at School level  Ability to re-direct resource to other tasks  Longer lead time for Schools to confirm requirements Core Centralised booking management of general teaching space  Reduced requirement for Enterprise management at School level  Efficient, single-point-of-contact booking service  School teaching space “priority allocation” system  Longer lead time for Schools to confirm requirements Core Centralised booking service for “specialist” space  TT Unit can manage specialist (i.e. labs, workshops etc) on behalf of Schools  Reduced requirement for Enterprise management at School level  Ability to re-direct resource to other tasks Optional

Proposed Enhanced Service cont… TT Unit/LTSTS ServiceBenefitService level Central support for general teaching space  Centrally supplied and support AV equipment  Consistent standard of equipment provision  Centrally managed fabric and furniture upgrade and maintenance Core Central support for student timetable allocation  TT Unit service option for any/all “random” student allocation models  Reduced requirement for Enterprise management at School level  Ability to re-direct resource to other tasks Optional Timetable “modelling” service for Schools  Safely introduce new courses to timetable  Modelling to re-shape programme offerings  Offline modelling exercises to inform timetabling flexibility  Make full use of TT Unit expertise Core

Enhanced Service Funding Business case submitted to Colleges Jan 2015 Request for additional funding to transfer timetabling/booking operations to TT Unit –from 15/16 financial year Funding equivalent to 0.4 FTE at Grade 4 per School Delivers full range of enhanced service proposal

6. Future of Student Timetabling Project Update

Key updates New project proposal to deliver: – Full, comprehensive personalised timetable service – To be delivered by online student self-sign-up system – Provision of calendar service: Office365 or iCal Presented to Knowledge Strategy Committee (KSC) on 23/01/15

Proposed Project Timescale Project implementationTimescale Project startAug 15 Centralisation of timetable data managementAug 15 – Mar 16 Options appraisal: Calendar serviceAug 15 – Nov 15 Options appraisal: Enhanced allocation systemAug 15 – Mar 16 Initial implementation: Calendar serviceDec 15 – Feb 16 Pilot scheme: Calendar serviceMar 16 – May 16 Calendar post-pilot evaluation and enhancementJun 16 – Aug 16 Initial implementation: Enhanced allocation systemOct 16 – Apr 17 Live implementation: Calendar ServiceNov 16 Pilot scheme: Enhanced allocation systemNov 17 – Mar 18 Enhanced allocation system post-pilot evaluation and enhancementMay 18 – Jul 18 Training for staff allocation onlyMay 18 – Jul 18 Live implementation: Enhanced allocation systemJul 18 Project closeOct 18

Key project pre-requisites Sponsor funding: circa £250k Centralisation of timetable data management

1415 Main Allocation Process – Lessons Learnt (sample) PART OF OPERATIONAREA LESSON LEARNT (including any planned improvements for 1516 where possible) Data PreparationModule instance Need to check as thoroughly as possible that the correct module instance has been interacted with (re correct academic year) – future-proofs SA process Consistency of process/instructions In-house documentation existed but this has now been amalgamated into one document that all in the TTU will need to use as guidance Location allocationContingency planning Last year’s 1-person post-MAP allocation system is being replaced by team of 3 TTU members whittling down remaining teaching activities Modelling to maximise space As more space is removed from our pool of locations we will need to conduct more modelling exercises to anticipate impact/problems Student AllocationTemplate awareness and understanding Continue to work closely with Schools through Template Workshops and Data Collection Workshops to improve quality of data (esp. for SA purposes) SPDA management – reverting to UEF When the SPDAs stop working, our manual back-up process will be activated sooner, allowing manual catching-up to be completed more speedily MiscellaneousSDB managementAll users benefit from a planned refresh of the database and August will continue to be the time this is done in prep for Semester 1

Any other business?