Project: “Support to the Internationalization of Kosova Higher Education System through establishment of the Kosova Students’ Union” Project: “Support to the Internationalization of Kosova Higher Education System through establishment of the Kosova Students’ Union” Activity plan Salzburg, 2014
Work package 1. Preparation Phase Leader: WUS Kosova Activit y No. Activity DescriptionStatus/ Delivery date 1.1Questionnaire DevelopmentFinished 1.2Development of Status quo reportFinished 1.3Kick off meeting and workshopFinished
Work package 2. Legal framework for establishment of Kosova Students’ Union(KSU); Leader: University of Salzburg Activit y No. Activity DescriptionStatus/ Delivery date 2.1Study Visit at EU partners (Salzburg & Edinburgh) Salzburg- Ongoing Edinburgh ??? 2.2Report development EU partners will give inputs (by sharing their experiences and current situation on their institutions). November September 2.3Draft development of legal framework Working group established and first draft developed- Ongoing/ 1 st October Round table discussionFinished 2.5Promulgation of legal documentsDecember, 2014 October 2014??
Work package 3. Development of Administrative Regulation for Students` Union elections, leader: University of Edinburgh Activit y No. Activity DescriptionStatus/ Delivery date 3.1Study Visit at University of Alicante Check for visa? 3.22 nd workshop on Administrative Regulation To be held in Prishtina. November, 2015 after turn back from Alicante 3.33 rd workshop on Administrative Regulation To be held in Prishtina. April, 2015 November, 2014
Work package 4. Establishment of Kosova Students` Union elections, Leader: University of Salzburg Activi ty No. Activity DescriptionStatus/ Delivery date 4.1Students elections/appointments May, Organization of Constitutional Convention of KSU May, 2015
Work package 5. Membership at the European Students` Union; Leader: The National Students`Union in Europe Activit y No. Activity DescriptionStatus/ Delivery date 5.1Study visit at the EU partners and 1 st workshop July, nd workshop on Statute organization September, Participation in different international events November Mentorship for membership to the ESU November Application for membership at ESU November/December, Training of the staff Students` Union of the HEIs November, 2016
Work package 6. Purchasing the equipment and literature for KSU Leader: University of Alicante Activit y No. Activity DescriptionStatus/ Delivery date 6.1Specification of the equipment Procedures to be initiated earlier, immediately after setting the office of KSU. 6.2Tendering Procedures Immediately, after specification is completed. Procedures takes 2-3 months. Foreseen during the 2 nd project year!!! 6.3Equipment purchaseUpon finishing the tendering procedures. 6.4Fictionalization of the equipments Purchased equipments to be installed and be functional. 1 st project year??
WP 7. Project Management & WP.8 Quality Control Leader:Uni. Salzburg & University of Edinburgh Work packageActivity No. and Description Status/Delivery date 7. Project Management 7.1 Day to day Project Management 7.2 Financial Management and Controlling 8. Quality Control 8.1 Quality Control of implementation and Mngt. plan 8.2 Internal financial controlling 8.3 External evaluation (project and financial) Ongoing: December 2013 – December 2016
WP 9. Dissemination& WP.10 Sustainability Leader: WUS Kosova & Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, MESTK Work packageActivity No. and DescriptionStatus/Delivery date 9. Dissemination 9.1 Dissemination through printed material 9.2 Diss. through project Web site 9.3 Diss. through project multiplication 9.4. Diss. through events and other activities 10. Sustainability 10.1 Sustainability through dissemination 10.2 Sus. Through local ownership and institutionalization Ongoing: December 2013 – December 2016
Thank you for your attention!