OBSTACLES TO EDUCATION IN AFRICA SS7CG3 The student will analyze how politics in Africa impacts the standards of living.
WHAT FACTORS INFLUENCE THE STANDARD OF LIVING? Literacy rate High literacy rate usually means a higher standard of living Low literacy rate usually means a lower standard of living Govt. Stability Stable governments allow more access to education Unstable governments do NOT allow access to education Lack of infra- structure Infrastructure is schools, roads, clean water, etc. When a government can provide these things, the standard of living is higher.
INFRASTRUCTURE- ONE OF THE LARGEST INFLUENCES ON A CHILD’S ABILITY TO RECEIVE AN EDUCATION IN AFRICA Lack of infrastructure (No Schools) Less school buildings, fewer teachers Less educated population
WAR AND CIVIL WAR- COUNTRIES WITH UNSTABLE GOVERNMENTS USUALLY HAVE THE LEAST AMOUNT OF CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS. War and unstable govt. Children can not attend school if they are refugees, or are used as soldiers and denied school. Less educated population
HIV/AIDS- AFRICA HAS THE HIGHEST INFECTION RATE, WITH OVER 75% OF THE WORLDS INFECTED LIVING ON THE CONTINENT HIV/AIDS Effects students, teachers, and parents- leaves many orphans Less educated population
POVERTY- FAMILIES USUALLY HAVE TO PAY TO SEND THEIR CHILDREN TO SCHOOL Poverty Families are unable to pay school fees or for supplies Less educated population
When faced with the expense of sending children to school, some African families can not afford to send all their children to school. When this happens, families either don’t send any of the children or send a few. African families will often pick the male child(ren) to send, because they are seen as more valuable; the expectation is that a boy will stay and work to support the family as an adult while a girl is expected leave the family to get married and have children of her own.
THE DISPARITY (DIFFERENCE) BETWEEN MALE AND FEMALE LITERACY RATES IS NOTABLE ON THE CHART BELOW. COUNTRYTOTALMALEFEMALEYEAR Dem. Rep. of Congo90%95%85%2005 Egypt72%84%61%2007 Kenya87%92%82%2005 Nigeria72%80%64%2007 South Africa88%89%87%2007 Sudan63%73%53%2005
Which countries in Africa have the largest discrepancy between male and female literacy rates? Egypt and Sudan Which country in Africa has the smallest discrepancy between male and female literacy rates? South Africa What causes the discrepancy between male and female literacy rates? Ability to send all children to school- males have a higher literacy rate What factors affect the access to education in Kenya? Poverty, gender disparities, and HIV/AIDS What factors affect the access to education in Sudan? War and conflict
IN YOUR NOTEBOOKS, WRITE AN ANSWER TO EACH OF THE FOLLOWING: In Kenya, males average 10 years of schooling and females 9 years. The literacy rate for males is almost 90% and females 80%. In Sudan, the literacy rate for males is 61% and females 50%. What can you conclude about the opportunity for education in Sudan compared to Kenya? During the last half of the 20 th century, Africa has had numerous civil wars. Africa also has a serious AIDS problem with 75% of the worlds infected people living there. What do you think one of the major consequences of the numerous civil wars is on the treatment of AIDS patients?
In Kenya, males average 10 years of schooling and females 9 years. The literacy rate for males is almost 90% and females 80%. In Sudan, the literacy rate for males is 61% and females 50%. What can you conclude about the opportunity for education in Sudan compared to Kenya? Girls have more opportunity to attend school in Kenya than in Sudan. During the last half of the 20 th century, Africa has had numerous civil wars. Africa also has a serious AIDS problem with 75% of the worlds infected people living there. What do you think one of the major consequences of the numerous civil wars is on the treatment of AIDS patients? Distribution of medicine is disrupted.