Career Student name MUM 2702, Professor Calle Miami Dade College Spring 2007
Career description and details What is this career all about? Overview Details
Skills What skills or traits are required for individuals to succeed in this career? Must someone be a proficient musician to succeed in this career? Why? Can you continue your college studies at four-year colleges without passing an audition and music theory test?
Education What educational certification does someone need to secure employment in this field? Will a two-year degree suffice? Is a four-year degree beneficial? Is a graduate degree required or will offer advantages with regards to employability and salary?
Colleges offering two-year degrees List three two-year colleges offering programs in this field. Make sure to provide links to each colleges website.
Colleges offering four-year degrees List three four-year colleges offering programs in this field. Make sure to provide links to each colleges website.
Colleges offering graduate degrees List three colleges offering graduate programs in this field. Make sure to provide links to each colleges website.
Education and training costs Discuss the costs associated with the education needed to secure employment in this field. How will you pay for school? Will you have to work while going to college?
Markets and disciplines Discuss the possible markets and disciplines where this job skill can be applied.
Locations Discuss the areas around the country or the globe where this career offers job opportunities.
Employability Visit the U.S. Labor Department website and report on the job prospects associated with this career. You may also research material in the Baskerville book and online.
Security and benefits Visit the U.S. Labor Department website and report on the job security associated with this career. You may also research material in the Baskerville book and online.
Salaries Visit the U.S. Labor Department website and report on the salaries associated with this career. You may also research material in the Baskerville book and online.
Trends Discuss population and economic trends and how they relate to future prospects for this career or related fields. Discuss opportunities to grow your business and improve your socioeconomic standing.
Advancement Discuss prospects and requirements associated with career advancement in your chosen field. Does this career suggest or demand a self-employment situation?
Benefits and retirement Does this career offer some form of health care or insurance? Does this career offer a retirement plan? Does this career offer financial support for continuing education? How will you personally address these topics?
Flexibility Does this career offer opportunities to secure other employment and pursue other interests? Can you make it doing just one thing?
Pluses Discuss the positive aspects of this career.
Minuses Discuss the challenges associated with this career.
Summary In one slide, sum up your findings.
Recommendations Provided five educated recommendations for those interested in this field. Recommendation 1 Recommendation 2 Recommendation 3 Recommendation 4 Recommendation 5
References Baskerville, D. (2001). Music business handbook and career guide (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2008). Overview of BLS statistics by occupation. Retrieved March 17, 2008, from: