PLANNING A FUNDRAISER Pick a campaign leader Establish a fundraising goal Promote your event Sell, sell, sell
Picking a Campaign Leader Will stay motivated throughout fundraiser Organized Good Communication Skills Stays excited about the fundraiser
Establish a goal Must have a budget (Trails End Budget Planner is great!!!!) Determine the amount you need to raise Determine how much of the product you are selling you will need
Sell and Promote Use the media-newspaper and radio Social media Facebook Flyers, posters Sell product at community centers, shopping centers Scouts parents work place Sell to family and friends first (a sure sale)
Offer Incentives to Scouts Pizza Party Prizes Pie Throwing (very fun) Soaker Gun Party Trophy/Ribbons Anything that is fun to a kid!!!!!
Fundraisers McDonalds Pancake Dinners (100% profit) Applebee’s Pancake Breakfast Bob Evans Community Fundraiser Pizza Hut Fundraiser Chiavetta’s Chicken BBQ Swann’s Fundraiser Candy and Chocolate sales
In the End…….
It’s all………………