History Originated in India around 3,000 B.C. Yogi-like figures found in an Indus-Sarasvati civilizations almost 300,000 square miles Most advance civilization until Roman Empire Believed to have come from Shamanism due to similar characters May have been a community practice before individual.
The Four Periods of Yoga 1 st Period - Vedic Period 2 nd Period - Pre-Classical Period 3 rd Period - Classical Period 4 th Period - Post-Classical Period
1 st Period – Vedic Period The Vedas is the sacred scripture of Brahmanisn The Vedas contains the oldest Yogic teachings Used rituals and ceremonies that tried to surpass the mind’s limitations Vedic relied on rishis or dedicated Vedic Yogis to teach them divine harmony Yogis were record to live in seclusion in forest
2nd Period - Pre-Classical Period Creation of Upanishads (200 scriptures) 3 Subjects: Brahman – ultimate reality Atman – transcendental self relationship between them Yoga shares with Hinduism and Buddhism Buddhism stressed meditation and physical posture 500 B.C. – the oldest known Yoga scripture Bhagavad- Gita was created 3 facets brought together: Bhakti (loving devotion) Jnana (knowledge) Karma (selfless actions) Gita tried to unify Bhakti Yoga, Jnana yoga and Karma yoga
3rd Period - Classical Period Yoga Sutra created 195 aphorisms or satras Patanjail’s Eightfold path of Yoga 1.Yama (social restraints or ethical values) 2.Niyama (personal observance of purity, tolerance and study) 3.Asanas (physical exercise) 4.Pranayma (breath control) 5.Pratyahara (preparation of meditation) 6.Dharana (concentrations) 7.Dhyana (meditatin) 8.Samadhi (ecstasy) Individual is composed of prakriti (matter) and purusha (spirit)
4th Period - Post-Classical Period Deals with the moment instead of separated the individual from the present Yoga introduced to the West early 19 th century Modified Five Principles of Yoga 1.Savasana (proper relaxations) 2.Asanas (proper exercise) 3.Pranayama (proper breathing) 4.Proper diet 5.Dhyana (positive thinking and meditation) Connectin between psychology and Yoga Start of Kundalini Yoga in the 70s