Plenary Panel: Challenges towards the Global Adoption of Cloud Computing Chair: Vladimir Getov, University of Westminster Panelists: Stephen S. Yau, Arizona State University George O. Strawn, National Coordination Office William R. Claycomb, Carnegie Mellon University Elisa Bertino, Purdue University COMPSAC and SAINT, Izmir, Turkey, July 2012
Cloud Computing - Background Modern distributed computing infrastructures Introduction of ‘invisible’ grid concepts The telecom industry was perhaps the first to conceptualize the term “cloud” - early 1990s The introduction of computing clouds didn’t happen until 2006, when Google announced the software-as- a-service (SaaS) approach The term “cloud computing” became mainstream rapidly after Amazon launched its elastic compute cloud (EC2)
Core Concepts Virtualization Service-oriented architectures Utility computing On-demand computing resources Elastic scaling Elimination of up-front and operational expenses A pay-per-use business model
Utility computing is not a new concept — introduced by John McCarthy, MIT in Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle said that cloud computing is "everything that we already do", claiming that the company could simply "change the wording on some of our ads" to deploy their cloud- based services. Confusing Views and Debate
Cloud Adoption: Any Issues?
Current Challenges – Cloud Computing Scalability: where ‘just more of the same’ does not work! Trust and Security: service providers responsible for SLAs Interoperability – hybrid clouds Risk management Standards for cloud computing Autonomy Legal issues Complexity is qualitatively harder and multidimensional.
Enterprise Cloud Computing Models Private cloud Vendor implements on client premises Can be configured to client-specific workflows Internal network Client runs and manages Private cloud Vendor implements in-house or on client or premises Can be configured to client-specific workflows Internal network is Vendor operated Vendor owned and operated Enterprise–only access to resources Shared facility and cloud management Standardized Network isolated Vendor owned and operated Mix of shared resources Shared facility and cloud management Elastic scaling Pay-per-use Support and network options Shared resources Elastic scaling Pay-per-use End-user access (credit card) Enterprise data center Private cloud 1 1 Vendor-operated Enterprise data center 2 2 Managed private cloud Vendor-owned and operated Enterprise 3 3 Hosted private cloud Public access to cloud services User A User B User C User D User E 5 5 Shared cloud services Enterprise C Enterprise B Enterprise A 4 4 Deployment models PrivateShared Public Enterpries Strategic Focus
Hybrid Clouds Attractive concept allowing to partner an existing private cloud with a public one Keep some the core operations in-house but also benefit from the elastic properties However, a hybrid cloud is never ‘yours’ – part of it is owned and/or operated by a third party This introduces new challenges and concerns about interoperability and security
Hybrid Clouds: Some Important Questions/Issues Can the private and the public cloud work seamlessly together? Where will my data be stored? In which countries will the infrastructure be located? What are the security regulations in those countries? Is the data going to be stored in a single physical place or distributed across different sites/countries? Are the intermediate results of the computation secured/encrypted?
Application-Specific Solutions Target large-scale application domains Usually interactive and dynamic scenarios Becoming more and more important with their complex but specific requirements Examples of application-specific solutions: YouTube, Google, Flickr, Facebook, Amazon, LinkedIn, etc.
Higher Level of Abstraction Co-design approach for autonomic techniques and tools to enable the development of large- scale cloud applications Design of novel software engineering techniques to support correct, smart and elastic management of non-functional properties in cloud applications Integration with and the development of emerging cloud interoperability standards – Cloud Security Alliance, IEEE Cloud Initiative
Summary Concerns with hybrid clouds are mainly related to interoperability and security Need global consensus on regulation and standards Some possible solutions are based on Smart properties and design methodology Metadata-based intelligent decision-making support Integrated development and execution framework In many cases large in-house data centres are the only true security solution?