Applying for a Job at UW-Madison: The NEW Employment Website and Application Process 1
Today’s Agenda Introduction and Format HR Design Updates Overview of the New Employment Website and Process Q&A 2
Introduction Lauren Bowers HR Specialist, Senior Susan Baculik HR Specialist, Advanced Your PresentersFormat Presentation followed by Q&A Please hold your questions until the end of the presentation Please for support issues during the webinar Video recording of webinar will be available on within 24 hours 3
Questions Submit questions via the Questions panel 4
Open and hide your control panel Join audio: Choose “Mic & Speakers” to use VoIP Choose “Telephone” and dial using the information provided Note: Attendees are muted during the webinar 5
Upcoming HR Design Events HR Design Campus Info Sessions Breakout Sessions on: Compensation Policies for University Staff Layoff Policy for University Staff Applying for a Job at UW-Madison HR Design Q&A Monday, June 8, :30 – 3:30 pm Memorial Union Sessions in English, Spanish, Hmong, Tibetan and Mandarin Chinese Tuesday, June 9, – 11 am Memorial Union Sessions in English only Tuesday, June 9, pm – 1 am HSLC Sessions in English, Spanish, Hmong, Tibetan and Mandarin Chinese All locations are wheelchair accessible. Schedule with your supervisor if you wish to attend. Visit for 6
Employee Categories: Currently and After July 1, 2015 CurrentlyAfter July 1, 2015 Faculty Academic Staff Limited Appointment (Administrator) Limited Appointment (Administrator) Student Hourly Student Assistant Employee-in-TrainingPost Degree Training Classified Permanent*University Staff* Classified ProjectFixed-term Finite University Staff Limited Term EmploymentTemporary Employment *Classified permanent employees in positions verified to be exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act may have the option to move to Academic Staff. See for more information.
Background Beginning July 1, 2015, UW-Madison will no longer have access to Wisc.Jobs, the official employment website of Wisconsin State government, where the University’s Classified jobs are listed. This creates the need for the University to have its own job application process and provides an opportunity to develop an online job application system that meets the University’s unique recruiting and hiring needs. This system will be used for all University Staff positions, but can also be used for Academic Staff, Faculty and Limited appointee job postings. Note: today’s webinar is a trip through the new job application process and website. There will be training provided to hiring administrators who need to understand how to manage job postings and applicants within the new system. 8
Custodial Vacancies After July 1, 2015 custodial recruitments will be managed by the Office of Human Resources, rather than the online application system Applicants will complete a paper application Paper applications will be available in multiple languages 9
Overview of Application Process Applicant searches UW employment website If JobApply is available for the selected posting, applicant will click the Apply Online button (required for University Staff postings) Applicant sets up an account (login is by /password) and their profile of contact information Completes reference form (if requested) Uploads requested documents and/or completes a work history form (saved with the profile) Submits application 10
Jobs.Wisc.Edu 11
20 Apply Online
The first time you apply for a position you will need to create an account. In order to create an account you will be required to provide the information requested in each of the fields. 21
23 Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
The Applicant Experience 24
The Applicant Experience 25
The Applicant Experience 26
The Applicant Experience 27
The Applicant Experience 28 Once you submit your application an will be sent to your address acknowledging receipt of your application.
The Applicant Experience 29
Poll Question 30
Questions? Please type your questions into the chat window and we will address as many as possible. If your question isn’t addressed today: 1. Check
Thank You! 32