Henk Nuyttens Teacher ICT
Kingdom founded in 1830 Reformed into Federal State King = Head of State 3 official languages: ◦ Dutch: North part ( citizens) ◦ French: South ( citizens) ◦ German: Eastern part ( citizens) Brussels: capital of ◦ Belgium, EU, Nato,... ◦ City of citizens
Federal state: ◦ federal gouvernment ◦ federal Parliament: Senate Chambre des Représentants 3 communities with own parliament(s) ◦ Flanders: Northern part: 1 gouvernment, 1 Parliament ◦ Brussel: Center: 1 gouvernment, 1 Parliament ◦ Wallonia: South Part: 2 communities, 2 parliaments ◦ German: Eastern part: 1 gouvernment, 1 Parliament
Belgian Prisons owned by Federal state : ◦ Justice: courts, prison staff ◦ Building & Maintenance Prison infrastructure Social Support organised by Flemish Community 1.Welfare 2.Culture 3.Sports 4.Health care 5.Employement 6.Education
1. VOCVO: Flemish Community support Adult Education 2. Community Co-ordinator Prison Mechelen 3. Education Co-ordinator Prison Mechelen 4. School Community “Samen stromen”: Mechelen Area 5. CVO Crescendo: Schooldirector 6. Teachers : ICT, languages, Economy
Number of Detention: avg inmates ◦ 100 inmates on citizens ◦ 4 % inmates are female ◦ 40% in pre-detention ◦ Realty 60 effective detentions on citizens Number of prisons: 30 over the whole country Closed Youth Prison: Everberg Serveral open youth detention centres
Build in early 1830 Detention center for: ◦ Detention before trial: dossier in preparation or decission by Judge ◦ Short Detention < 3 years ◦ All kinds of criminals ◦ 80 inmates (recently 140 inmates - march 2010) 65 Staff & 20 Admin support Building in state of renovation since 2008
Recently Published Living in a prison, by Prison Guard Greta Stockfleth
Education for more than 10 years Personal mentors & individual courses = voluntary Courses in classes: ◦ Languages, ◦ ICT, ◦ Painting, ◦ Safety on the “workfloor”, ◦ Detentions courses: anti-aggression, ◦ Dutch courses for foreigners (CBE) ◦ JAIL TV: High School of Journalism
Education for more than 8 years Last 5 years: ◦ due to infrastructure, small classes (max 8) ◦ Limited courses: Basics computer, Word, Excel Last years: larger multifunctional class ◦ 12 desktops & 4 laptops, ◦ Beamer, ◦ Basics computer, Word, Excel, Video, Photoshop
Preparation: similar to normal school Except: ◦ No internet access, no e-platform ◦ No possibility to take own material inside prison ◦ Possibility to take copies of course material inside prison ◦ Downgrading “Intellectual Level”
Courses: ◦ Sessions of 40 hrs, except for Photoshop (60 hrs) ◦ 9 hrs a week, short periods (max 4 weeks) ◦ 3 hrs a course ◦ Relax atmosphere, respect for all ◦ No pre-selection ◦ Free will, maximum cooperation & motivation ◦ Interruption in case of absence without reason (max 2 times, 10%) ◦ Speech of one member of Prison Guards Staff at beginning of the cours: rules, code of conduct, inscription, …
Evaluation: ◦ Permanent evaluation during courses ◦ Practical exam at the end of each course ◦ Debriefing with students Reporting: ◦ Written report of each course member at the end of the session: behavior, cooperation, problems affiliated to detention, signals,.... ◦ Anytime in case of serious problems
Proclamation: ◦ At the end of semester ◦ Small celebration with all students of all classes ◦ Inmate can invite one family member or friend Drop Out: ◦ Motivation ◦ Transfert ◦ Work ◦ Release ◦ Punishment