Recommended Collared shirts for boys Dress pants or khaki’s for boys Blouses or shirts for girls (no low cut blouses) Dress pants, khaki’s or skirts for girls. Comfortable shoes Not Recommended Jeans T-shirts Tennis shoes Flip-Flops Anything that isn’t SMS Dress Code If you do not have dress clothes/shoes to wear, talk to your School Social Worker. There are community resources available!
Make sure you have: ◦ clean and polished conservative dress shoes ◦ well-groomed hair ◦ well-brushed teeth and fresh breath ◦ minimal jewelry
Futures4Kids ◦ Career Guide to Industries ◦ Military Career Guide ◦ careers careers College Information ◦ College Foundation of North Carolina er_Center/_default er_Center/_default Career One Stop Occupational Outlook Handbook http//
Make a professional impression. Smile and introduce yourself. Maintain eye contact and listening skills. Record the answers to your questions! Thank each representative before you leave.
Plan the questions you will ask What does an average day look like? What skills are needed in applicants? Characteristics of a successful employee? Are college degrees important? ◦ Which ones? Which courses do you suggest?
What positions exist within your organization? Does your company hire year round? What percent of applicants are hired? What is the retention rate?
What changes do you expect? How important are people skills? What skills are valued greatly? What’s the starting salary for beginners? Are there any in-school preparations?
What is unique about your organization? Is your work place team-oriented? What is a typical day like? Describe your dress code?
W4SogHXhI W4SogHXhI Name at least 5 things that the interviewee did right.
DsOqh2p2k&feature=related DsOqh2p2k&feature=related Name at least 5 things that the interviewee did wrong.
Break into pairs and conduct mock interviews. (as time allows)