Kindergarten Ms. Perez Room 14
My name is Ms. Perez and I am going to be your Kindergarten teacher. This will be my first year teaching at Mater Academy Elementary. I love Kindergarten and all the exploring, learning and fun we get to have! I graduated from Florida International University with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education K-6 with an ESOL endorsement. I love teaching and shaping young minds. I grew up in Miami, Florida and still live there. I have a beautiful family and a pet cat named Sonic. This summer I have had fun preparing new and exciting lessons and materials for you. I cannot wait for this year to begin and I look forward to exploring, learning and growing with you!
Attendance: Instruction will begin promptly at 8:15 am every day. Students must bring a note within 72 hours in order to excuse an absence. Only 10 handwritten notes will be allowed. After 10, only a doctor’s note will be allowed. Only 10 excused absences allowed per school year. 3 Unexcused absences= Referral (After 3 Referrals student will not be allowed to reenroll for the upcoming school year.) All tardies are considered UNEXCUSED. Excessive early dismissals = Referral (after 5) Please be on time to school everyday! A student must be in school for at least 2 hours in order to be counted as present.
Uniform policy: 3 Infractions= 1 Referral Grades K-2 Tops: Mater Academy Logo, White Polo with Hunter Green Trim, Gold Polo with Hunter Green Trim, Hunter Green Polo with White Trim or Long- Sleeved Rugby with Hunter Green Trim Bottoms: MAE Embroidery, Khaki Pants (Boys and Girls), Khaki Skort Style (Girls) Jackets: Hunter Green Sweater with MAE Logo purchased from All Uniform No Leggings allowed under skirts, only White Stockings.
Identify letters of the Alphabet and their sounds. Understand the concepts of the numbers Write four or five complete sentences. Read at grade level or higher. Recognize and count orally Basic addition/subtraction Basic science and social studies skils
1. We will follow directions the first time given. 2. We will treat others with kindness by apologizing and sharing. 3. We will keep our hands, feet, and objects to ourselves. 4. We will use good manners like “please” and “thank you”. 5. We will use inside voices and walking feet in the classroom and the hallways.
Rewards/Incentives: “Bee”havior Clip Chart: Green, Yellow, Orange, Red Behavior chart sent home daily Rewards: Bee Bucks Punch Card Parties Verbal Praise Notes Home
Students will eat lunch in the cafeteria at 10:10 to 10:40 am. If student brings lunch from home please ensure that the food is ready to eat and does not require heating. Each student will be given a lunch card/ID which will stay in class and is not to be taken home. This card can also be used to purchase breakfast. Breakfast is served at 7:30 am.
Students will be dismissed from 1:45-2:00 pm. Students will not be dismissed 30 minutes prior to dismissal. Parent Pick-Up will be dismissed in the front of the school. If traveling by car please display car decal. Students are not to leave without an escort by the teacher or assistant. Parent Conferences : If you would like to meet with me to discuss any information regarding your child, please schedule a parent conference before or after school hours. I am available before school from 7:30-7:45 am and after school from 2:30-3:00 pm. Conferences are not allowed during dismissal time to ensure a safe dismissal. We will no longer have Early Release on Fridays. Instead all grades will be dismissed at 1:45 on Wednesdays. Therefore on those days, I will take my class to the dismissal area 5-10 minutes prior to avoid traffic in the hallways.
E: Excellent % 4 Points G: Good 80-89% 3 Points S: Satisfactory 70-79% 2 Points M: Meeting expectations: 60-69% 1 Point Unsatisfactory: 50-59% 0 Points Parents may access students grades through the parent portal.
Homework will be given daily and collected weekly. Homework must be completed daily to ensure extra practice on concepts taught in class. Parental involvement is key in the homework process. It is encouraged for parents to assist their child. Sight Words-Tested weekly, usually Fridays Spelling Words-Tested weekly, usually Fridays Read to your child every night for 15 Minutes! Homework will be placed in a green plastic folder. This folder will be my fastest method of communication with you. In this folder you will find: Homework, Behavior chart/Punch Card, Important Notes Home. The second green folder will be used to store classwork and should be cleaned out daily and used as a reference for homework. Students will also have a Red Folder for Fluency and another for Sight Words.
This year we will have one field trip per quarter. Our first field trip will be to the pumpkin patch! In order for your child to attend, a field trip form must be completed and money turned in by the deadline. If you would like to be a chaperone please make sure to register with our Community Involvement Specialist Ms. Yvonne! Thank You!
Supply List
August 18, 2014 First Day of School 7:45 am All supplies due! August 22, 2014 Last Day to Turn in Important Documents in Welcome Packet
Plan B Duration : First 2 Weeks of School Arriva l: 7:45 am Please note that NO parents will be allowed in the building the first week of school. Students will wear name tags with specific information to guide them. Breakfast: 7:30 am Breakfast will be eaten in the classroom. Lunch : 10:10 am Lunch will be eaten in the classroom. Dismissal : Bus students will be dismissed at 1:30 and parent pick up /aftercare students will be dismissed at 1:45 to 2:00.If your child has a sibling in grades 1-5 they will be dismissed with their brother or sister. Supplies : A modified supply list has been posted on my website. Those materials will be due Monday August 18, All other materials will be collected at a later
Phone: (305) For more information visit my website at daily!
Starfall ABCya SuccessMaker Read.Think.Write