Knowledge Management, Semantic Web and Social Networking Social Networks Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham June 2010
Outline of Part I What are Social Networks Social Network Views: Science, Technology, Culture Social Network Concepts Social Networks and Knowledge Management Social Networks and Semantic Web Applications Directions References: (WI 2006)
Social Networks A social network site allows people who share interests to build a ‘trusted’ network/ online community. A social network site will usually provide various ways for users to interact, such as IM (chat/ instant messaging), email, video sharing, file sharing, blogging, discussion groups, etc. The main types of social networking sites have a ‘theme’, they allow users to connect through image or video collections online (like Flicker or You Tube) or music (like My Space, lastfm). Most contain libraries/ directories of some categories, such as former classmates, old work colleagues, and so on (like Face book, friends reunited, Linked in, etc). They provide a means to connect with friends (by allowing users to create a detailed profile page), and recommender systems linked to trust.
Popular Social Networks Face book - A social networking website. Initially the membership was restricted to students of Harvard University. It was originally based on what first-year students were given called the “face book” which was a way to get to know other students on campus. As of July 2007, there over 34 million active members worldwide. From September 2006 to September 2007 it increased its ranking from 60 to 6th most visited web site, and was the number one site for photos in the United States. Twitter- A free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows users to send “updates” (text-based posts, up to 140 characters long) via SMS, instant messaging, email, to the Twitter website, or an application/ widget within a space of your choice, like MySpace, Facebook, a blog, an RSS Aggregator/reader. My Space - A popular social networking website offering an interactive, user-submitted network of friends, personal profiles, blogs, groups, photos, music and videos internationally. According to AlexaInternet, MySpace is currently the world’s sixth most popular English-language website and the sixth most popular website in any language, and the third most popular website in the United States, though it has topped the chart on various weeks. As of September 7, 2007, there are over 200 million accounts.
Social networks: Interdisicplinary Field social network analysis is an interdisciplinary social science; Sociologists, computer scientists, physicists and mathematicians have made large contributions to understanding networks in general (as graphs) and thus contributed to an understanding of social networks [Social network analysis] is grounded in the observation that social actors [i.e., people] are interdependent and that the links [i.e., relationships] among them have important consequences for every individual [and for all of the individuals together]. ... [Relationships] provide individuals with opportunities and, at the same time, potential constraints on their behavior. ... Social network analysis involves theorizing, model building and empirical research focused on uncovering the patterning of links among actors. It is concerned also with uncovering the antecedents and consequences of recurrent patterns. (from Linton C. Freeman)
Social Networks: History “Sociograms” were invented in 1933 by Moreno. In a sociogram, the actors are represented as points in a two-dimensional space. The location of each actor is significant. E.g. a “central actor” is plotted in the center, and others are placed in concentric rings according to “distance” from this actor. Actors are joined with lines representing ties, as in a social network. In other words a social network is a graph, and a sociogram is a particular 2D embedding of it. These days, sociograms are rarely used (most examples on the web are not sociograms at all, but networks). But methods like MDS (Multi-Dimensional Scaling) can be used to lay out Actors, given a vector of attributes about them. Social Networks were studied early by researchers in graph theory (Harary et al. 1950s). Some social network properties can be computed directly from the graph. Others depend on an adjacency matrix representation (Actors index rows and columns of a matrix, matrix elements represent the tie strength between them).
Social networks as technology email, newsgroups, and weblogs search engines: e.g., Google ( Google’s Page Rank algorithm gives more weight to popular webpages. A webpage is considered popular if many other webpages link to it. collaborative filtering and/or recommender systems; e.g.,’s feature: “People who bought this book also bought...”
Technology : LinkedIn What is Your Network? When your connections invite their connections, your Network starts to grow. Your Network is your connections, their connections, and so on out from you at the center. How do you classify users? Your Network contains professionals out to “three degrees” — that is, friends-of-friends-of-friends. If each person had 10 connections (and some have many more) then your network would contain 10,000 professionals. How do you see who is in your Network? LinkedIn lets you see your network as one large group of searchable professional profiles.
Social networks as popular culture e.g., six degrees of kevin bacon bacon number: definition kevin bacon has a bacon number of 0 an actor, A, has a bacon number of 1 if s/he appeared in a movie with kevin bacon an actor, B, has a bacon number of 2 if s/he appear in a movie with A . social software; e.g., facebook, friendster, orkut,
Social Networks: More formal definition A structural approach to understanding social interaction. Networks consist of Actors and the Ties between them. We represent social networks as graphs whose vertices are the actors and whose edges are the ties. Edges are usually weighted to show the strength of the tie. In the simplest networks, an Actor is an individual person. A tie might be “is acquainted with”. Or it might represent the amount of email exchanged between persons A and B.
Social Network Examples Effects of urbanization on individual well-being World political and economic system Community elite decision-making Social support, Group problem solving Diffusion and adoption of innovations Belief systems, Social influence Markets, Sociology of science Exchange and power Email, Instant messaging, Newsgroups Co-authorship, Citation, Co-citation SocNet software, Friendster Blogs and diaries, Blog quotes and links
Social Networks Basic Questions Balance: important in exchange networks In a two-person network (dyad), exchange of goods, services and cash should be balanced. More generally, exchanges of “favors” or “support” are likely to be quite balanced. Role: what role does the actor perform in the network? Role is defined in terms of Actors’ neighborhoods. The neighborhood is the set of ties and actors connected directly to the current actor. Actors with similar or identical neighborhoods are assigned the same role. What is the related idea from semiotics? Paradigm: interchangability. Actors with the same role are interchangable in the network.
Social Networks Basic Questions Prestige: How important is the actor in the network? Related notions are status and centrality. Centrality reifies the notion of “peripheral vs. central participation” from communities of practice. Key notions of centrality were developed in the 1970’s, e.g. “eigenvalue centrality” by Bonacich. Most of these measures were rediscovered as quality measures for web pages: Indegree Pagerank = eigenvalue centrality HITS ?= two-mode eigenvalue centrality
Social Network Concepts Actor An “actor” is a basic component for SNs. Actors can be: Individual people, Corporations, Nation-States, Social groups Modes If all the actors are of the same type, the network is called a one-mode network. If there are two groups of actor then it is a two-mode network. E.g. an affiliation network is a two-mode network. One mode is individuals, the other is groups to which they belong. Ties represent the relation: person A is a member of group B. Ties A tie is the relation between two actors. Common types of ties include: Friendship, Amount of communication, Goods exchanged, Familial relation (kinship), Institutional relations
Practical issues: Boundaries and Samples Because human relations are rich and unbounded, drawing meaningful boundaries for network analysis is a challenge. There are two main approaches: Realist: boundaries perceived by actors themselves, e.g. gang members or ACM members. Nominalist: Boundaries created by researcher: e.g. people who publish in ACM CHI. To deal with large networks, sampling is necessary. Unfortunately, randomly sampled graphs will typically have completely different structure. Why? One approach to this is “snowballing”. You start with a random sample. Then extend with all actors connected by a tie. Then extend with all actors connected to the previous set by a tie…
The Web as a Social Network Social networks are formed between Web pages by hyperlinking to other Web pages. A hyperlink is usually an explicit indicator that one Web page author believes that another page is related or relevant. The possibility to publish and gather personal information, a major factor in the success of the Web Two Major Tasks Social Network Extraction from the Web Social Network Analysis Social Networking Services (SNS). Friendster; Orkut
Inferring Communities in Web Bibliographic Metrics bibliographic coupling co-citation coupling
Blogsphere as a Social Network Weblogs have become prominent social media on the Internet that enable users to quickly and easily publish content including highly personal thoughts. Bloggers might list one another’s blogs in a Blogroll and might read, link to a post, or comment on other blogs’ posts (A post is the smallest part of a blog which has some contents and readers can comment on it. A post also has a date of publish).
Semantic Web and Social Network Semantic Web: having data on the Web defined and linked in a way that it can be used by people and processed by machines in a ”wide variety of new and exciting applications” SW and SN models support each other: Semantic Web enables online and explicitly represented social information social networks, especially trust networks, provide a new paradigm for knowledge management in which users ”outsource” knowledge and beliefs via their social networks
Semantic Web and Social Network Drawbacks to Centralized Social Networks the information is under the control of the database owner centralized systems do not allow users to control the information they provide on their own terms The friend-of-a-friend(FOAF) project is a first attempt at a formal, machine processable representation of user profiles and friendship networks. The Swoogle Ontology Dictionary shows that the class foaf:Person currently has nearly one million instances spread over about 45,000 Web documents. The FOAF ontology is not the only one used to publish social information on the Web. For example, Swoogle identifies more than 360 RDFS or OWL classes defined with the local name ”person”.
SW and SNA (issues) Knowledge representation. Small number of common ontologies Knowledge management. efficient and effective mechanisms for accessing knowledge, especially social networks, on the Semantic Web Social network extraction, integration and analysis extracting social networks correctly from the noisy and incomplete knowledge on the (Semantic) Web Provenance and trust aware distributed inference. manage and reduce the complexity of distributed inference by utilizing provenance of knowledge
Social networks and KMS Why Social Networks in KMS? People KM Organization Processes Technology Knowledge Management involves people, technology, and processes in Overlapping parts.
Social Networks and KMS Why are we studying Social Networks ? What ties Information Architecture, Knowledge Management and Social Network Analysis more closely together is the reciprocal relationship between people and content.
Social Network Analysis Social network analysis [SNA] is the mapping and measuring of relationships and flows between people, groups, organizations, computers or other information/knowledge processing entities. The nodes in the network are the people and groups while the links show relationships or flows between the nodes.
Social Network Analysis (SNA) We measure Social Network in terms of: 1. Degree Centrality: The number of direct connections a node has. What really matters is where those connections lead to and how they connect the otherwise unconnected. 2. Betweenness Centrality: A node with high betweenness has great influence over what flows in the network indicating important links and single point of failure. 3. Closeness Centrality: The measure of closeness of a node which are close to everyone else. The pattern of the direct and indirect ties allows the nodes any other node in the network more quickly than anyone else. They have the shortest paths to all others. Application of SNA: Building the 9/11 Al- Qaeda Network.
Directions Reduce Complexity Geo-social networks Integrating concepts from semantic web, social network, and knowledge management Geo-social semantic web Visualizing social networks Security and Privacy Mining and analysis of social networks Predicting what the memebrs would do next
Outline of Part II Social Networks Social Networks and 9/11 Terrorists Social Networks and Baseball Drug Use Social Networks and Expert Finder
Social Networks A social network site allows people who share interests to build a ‘trusted’ network/ online community. A social network site will usually provide various ways for users to interact, such as IM (chat/ instant messaging), email, video sharing, file sharing, blogging, discussion groups, etc. The main types of social networking sites have a ‘theme’, they allow users to connect through image or video collections online (like Flicker or You Tube) or music (like My Space, lastfm). Most contain libraries/ directories of some categories, such as former classmates, old work colleagues, and so on (like Face book, friends reunited, Linked in, etc). They provide a means to connect with friends (by allowing users to create a detailed profile page), and recommender systems linked to trust.
Social Network Analysis of 9/11 Terrorists ( Early in 2000, the CIA was informed of two terrorist suspects linked to al-Qaeda. Nawaf Alhazmi and Khalid Almihdhar were photographed attending a meeting of known terrorists in Malaysia. After the meeting they returned to Los Angeles, where they had already set up residence in late 1999.
Social Network Analysis of 9/11 Terrorists What do you do with these suspects? Arrest or deport them immediately? No, we need to use them to discover more of the al-Qaeda network. Once suspects have been discovered, we can use their daily activities to uncloak their network. Just like they used our technology against us, we can use their planning process against them. Watch them, and listen to their conversations to see... who they call / email who visits with them locally and in other cities where their money comes from The structure of their extended network begins to emerge as data is discovered via surveillance.
Social Network Analysis of 9/11 Terrorists A suspect being monitored may have many contacts -- both accidental and intentional. We must always be wary of 'guilt by association'. Accidental contacts, like the mail delivery person, the grocery store clerk, and neighbor may not be viewed with investigative interest. Intentional contacts are like the late afternoon visitor, whose car license plate is traced back to a rental company at the airport, where we discover he arrived from Toronto (got to notify the Canadians) and his name matches a cell phone number (with a Buffalo, NY area code) that our suspect calls regularly. This intentional contact is added to our map and we start tracking his interactions -- where do they lead? As data comes in, a picture of the terrorist organization slowly comes into focus. How do investigators know whether they are on to something big? Often they don't. Yet in this case there was another strong clue that Alhazmi and Almihdhar were up to no good -- the attack on the USS Cole in October of 2000. One of the chief suspects in the Cole bombing [Khallad] was also present [along with Alhazmi and Almihdhar] at the terrorist meeting in Malaysia in January 2000. Once we have their direct links, the next step is to find their indirect ties -- the 'connections of their connections'. Discovering the nodes and links within two steps of the suspects usually starts to reveal much about their network. Key individuals in the local network begin to stand out. In viewing the network map in Figure 2, most of us will focus on Mohammed Atta because we now know his history. The investigator uncloaking this network would not be aware of Atta's eventual importance. At this point he is just another node to be investigated.
Social Network Analysis of 9/11 Terrorists Figure 2 shows the two suspects and Social Network Analysis of 9/11 Terrorists
Social Network Analysis of 9/11 Terrorists Figure 2 shows the two suspects and Atta's eventual importance. At this point he is just another node to be investigated. Figure 3 shows the direct Social Network Analysis of 9/11 Terrorists
Social Network Analysis of 9/11 Terrorists We now have enough data for two key conclusions: All 19 hijackers were within 2 steps of the two original suspects uncovered in 2000! Social network metrics reveal Mohammed Atta emerging as the local leader With hindsight, we have now mapped enough of the 9-11 conspiracy to stop it. Again, the investigators are never sure they have uncovered enough information while they are in the process of uncloaking the covert organization. They also have to contend with superfluous data. This data was gathered after the event, so the investigators knew exactly what to look for. Before an event it is not so easy. As the network structure emerges, a key dynamic that needs to be closely monitored is the activity within the network. Network activity spikes when a planned event approaches. Is there an increase of flow across known links? Are new links rapidly emerging between known nodes? Are money flows suddenly going in the opposite direction? When activity reaches a certain pattern and threshold, it is time to stop monitoring the network, and time to start removing nodes. The author argues that this bottom-up approach of uncloaking a network is more effective than a top down search for the terrorist needle in the public haystack -- and it is less invasive of the general population, resulting in far fewer "false positives".
Social Network Analysis of Steroid Usage in Baseball ( Figure 2 shows the two suspects and Social Network Analysis of Steroid Usage in Baseball ( When the Mitchell Report on steroid use in Major League Baseball [MLB], was published, people were surprised at who and how many players were mentioned. The diagram below shows a human network created from data found in the Mitchell Report. Baseball players are shown as green nodes. Those who were found to be providers of steroids and other illegal performance enhancing substances appear as red nodes. The links reveal the flow of chemicals -- from provider to player.
Social Networking for Knowledge Management Examples Managing the 21st Century Organization Networks of Adaptive/Agile Organizations Best Practice: Organizational Network Mapping Discovering Communities of Practice Data-Mining E-mail Finding Leaders on your Team Post-Merger Integration Knowledge Sharing in Organizations Innovation happens at the Intersections Partnerships and Alliances in Industry Decision-Making in Organizations New Organizational Structures
Knowledge Sharing Network: Finding Experts ( Figure 2 shows the two suspects and Knowledge Sharing Network: Finding Experts ( Organizational leaders are preparing for the potential loss of expertise and knowledge flow due to turnover, downsizing, outsourcing, and the coming retirements of the baby boom generation. The model network (previous chart) is used to illustrate the knowledge continuity analysis process. Each node in this sample network (previous chart) represents a person that works in a knowledge domain. Some people have more / different knowledge than others. Employees who will retire in 2 years or less have their nodes colored red. Those who will retire in 3-4 years are colored yellow. Those retiring in 5 years or later are colored green. A gray, directed line is drawn from the seeker of knowledge to the source of expertise. A-->B indicates that A seeks expertise / advice from B. Those with many arrows pointing to them are sought often for assistance. The top subject matter experts -- SMEs -- in this group are nodes 29, 46, 100, 41, 36 and 55. The SMEs were discovered using a network metric in InFlow that is similar to how the Google search engine ranks web pages -- using both direct and indirect links. Of the top six SMEs in this group, half are colored red[100] or yellow[46, 55]. The loss of person 46 has the greatest potential for knowledge loss. 90% of the network is within 3 steps of accessing this key knowledge source.
Knowledge Sharing in Organizations: Finding Experts Figure 2 shows the two suspects and Knowledge Sharing in Organizations: Finding Experts
Other Applications Detecting coalitions and subgroups Conducting a political campaign Marketing a drug by a pharmaceutical company Forming a travel network Many more - - - - -
Outline of Part IV Introduction to Social Networks Properties of Social Networks Social Network Analysis Basics Examples Data Privacy Basics Privacy and Social Networks
Social Networks Social networks have important implications for our daily lives. Spread of Information Spread of Disease Economics Marketing Social network analysis could be used for many activities related to information and security informatics. Terrorist network analysis
Enron Social Graph* *
Social Networks
Romantic Relations at “Jefferson High School”
“Small-World” Example: Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon
Social Network Mining Social network data is represented a graph Individuals are represented as nodes Nodes may have attributes to represent personal traits Relationships are represented as edges Edges may have attributes to represent relationship types Edges may be directed Common Social Network Mining tasks Node classification Link Prediction
Some Experimental Results Raymond Heatherly, Murat Kantarcioglu, and Bhavani Thuraisingham The University of Texas at Dallas Jack Lindamood Facebook
Graph Model Lindamood et al. 09 & Heatherly et al. 09 Graph represented by a set of homogenous vertices and a set of homogenous edges Each node also has a set of Details, one of which is considered private.
Collective Inference Lindamood et al. 09 & Heatherly et al. 09 Collection of techniques that use node attributes and the link structure to refine classifications. Uses local classifiers to establish a set of priors for each node Uses traditional relational classifiers as the iterative step in classification
Relational Classifiers Lindamood et al. 09 & Heatherly et al. 09 Class Distribution Relational Neighbor Weighted-Vote Relational Neighbor Network-only Bayes Classifier Network-only Link-based Classification
Experimental Data Lindamood et al. 09 & Heatherly et al. 09 167,000 profiles from the Facebook online social network Restricted to public profiles in the Dallas/Fort Worth network Over 3 million links
General Data Properties Lindamood et al. 09 & Heatherly et al. 09 Diameter of the largest component 16 Number of nodes 167,390 Number of friendship links 3,342,009 Total number of listed traits 4,493,436 Total number of unique traits 110,407 Number of components 18 Probability Liberal .45 Probability Conservative .55
Inference Methods Lindamood et al. 09 & Heatherly et al. 09 Details only: Uses Naïve Bayes classifier to predict attribute Links Only: Uses only the link structure to predict attribute Average: Classifies based on an average of the probabilities computed by Details and Links
Predicting Private Details Lindamood et al. 09 & Heatherly et al. 09 Attempt to predict the value of the political affiliation attribute Three Inference Methods used as the local classifier Relaxation labeling used as the Collective Inference method
Removing Details Lindamood et al. 09 & Heatherly et al. 09 Ensures that no ‘false’ information is added to the network, all details in the released graph were entered by the user Details that have the highest global probability of indicating political affiliation removed from the network
Removing Links Lindamood et al. 09 & Heatherly et al. 09 Ensures that the link structure of the released graph is a subset of the original graph Removes links from each node that are the most like the current node
Most Liberal Traits Trait Name Trait Value Weight Liberal Group Lindamood et al. 09 & Heatherly et al. 09 Most Liberal Traits Trait Name Trait Value Weight Liberal Group legalize same sex marriage 46.16066789 every time i find out a cute boy is conservative a little part of me dies 39.68599463 equal rights for gays 33.83786875 the democratic party 32.12011605 not a bush fan 31.95260895 people who cannot understand people who voted for bush 30.80812425 government religion disaster 29.98977927
Most Conservative Traits Lindamood et al. 09 & Heatherly et al. 09 Trait Name Trait Value Weight Conservative Group george w bush is my homeboy 45.88831329 college republicans 40.51122488 texas conservatives 32.23171423 bears for bush 30.86484689 kerry is a fairy 28.50250433 aggie republicans 27.64720818 keep facebook clean 23.653477 i voted for bush 23.43173116 protect marriage one man one woman 21.60830487
Most Liberal Traits per Trait Name Lindamood et al. 09 & Heatherly et al. 09 Trait Name Trait Value Weight Liberal activities amnesty international 4.659100601 Employer hot topic 2.753844959 favorite tv shows queer as folk 9.762900035 grad school computer science 1.698146579 hometown mumbai 3.566007713 Relationship Status in an open relationship 1.617950632 religious views agnostic 3.15756412 looking for whatever i can get 1.703651985
Experiments Lindamood et al. 09 & Heatherly et al. 09 Conducted on 35,000 nodes which recorded political affiliation Tests removing 0 details and 0 links, 10 details and 0 links, 0 details and 10 links, and 10 details and 10 links Varied Training Set size from 10% of available nodes to 90% Results are documented in papers