Mosaic 2014 – what’s the big deal? Bruce Walton
Why use customer segmentation? Profiling allows effective communication across similar groups of people in engaging and relevant ways Easier to engage with people about issues which really interest them Doing the opposite could drive them away Segmenting on characteristics and behaviour identifies: What matters to different groups of people the most Which channels are most relevant to them People demand communication which is relevant and spam-free
What is Mosaic? “Comprehensive cross-channel segmentation” built for “understanding of today’s hyper-connected world” Only UK classification designed specifically for the public sector, focusing on the needs of citizens Detailed understanding of demographics, lifestyles and behaviours Joined-up approach to targeting with insight and consistency
How should we use Mosaic? Experian say: “Know, Get and Keep” Know: enhance insight with detailed analytics Get: target communities with appropriate channels Keep: optimise ongoing interactions RSA say: “MAST integrates Mosaic into road safety intelligence” Apportion road users to custom segments defined by crash involvement Each road user classified by one of 1.73m postcodes in Mosaic directory Gain deeper understanding of road users for targeted interventions Deliver to practitioners via flexible technology
How is Mosaic produced? Detailed analysis of latest societal trends Based on the most appropriate data sources (over 850m records) ONS data Hospital Episodes Statistics Index of Multiple Deprivation Education Statistics Opinion surveys (e.g. British Crime Survey) Sophisticated cluster analysis using a ‘bottom up’ approach Validated and interpreted by market research and other data
Mosaic Family Tree 2009
Mosaic 2009 - Design Economic factors Community factors Tax Contributor or Benefit Recipient Level of Consumption Community factors Mainly based on individual tendencies Social or Solitary Local Engagement Shared behaviours Service Dependence 15 broad Groups, divided into 69 specific Types (3 to 7 per Group)
Mosaic Family Tree 2014
Mosaic 2014 - Design Economic factors Community factors Much the same as Mosaic 2009 Supported or Independent Degree of affluence Community factors More emphasis on environment Homeowners or Renters Rural or Urban Shared behaviours Traditional or Cosmopolitan Less emphasis on service dependence 15 Groups, divided into 66 Types (3 to 6 per Group)
Mosaic 2014 - Classification
New Focus – Rural Migration
New Focus – Midlife Singles
Improved Focus – Making a Connection
Improved Focus – Allocation within Areas
What’s so great about Mosaic 2014? Real Provides context behind the decisions people make, which is critical for successful engagement Actionable Promotes strategic insight to maximise value Delivers relevant content to the right people across the channel mix Relevant Latest demographic and behavioural trends to give an accurate reflection of the UK today and tomorrow