Integrating Occupational Hygiene and Medical Programs Using Occupational Health Manager (OHM) Tom Polton Pfizer Inc
Overview Philosophical reasons for integrating hygiene and medical programs Mechanics for establishing a comprehensive hygiene database (customizing a commercial program OHM - Occupational Health Manager) Technical Solution using a Palm Pilot to facilitate data collection
Overview All too often, medical and industrial hygiene programs operate independently communication dialogueThere may be communication but not dialogue between the professionals –Physicians need exposure histories to target medical surveillance –Hygienists need medical restrictions to accommodate employees
What is to be gained from integrating the industrial hygiene and medical programs?
Elements of Hygiene Program Perform Qualitative Assessments Perform Quantitative AssessmentsImplementWorkplaceControls
Conduct Medical Examinations Report Findings to EmployeesAccommodate Medical Restrictions Elements of Medical Program
Elements of Hygiene Program Perform Qualitative Assessments Perform Quantitative Assessments Implement Workplace Controls Elements of Medical Program Conduct Medical Examinations Report Findings to Employees Accommodate Medical Restrictions
Breaking Down the Barriers Perform Qualitative Assessments Perform Quantitative Assessments Implement Workplace Controls Conduct Medical Examinations Report Findings to Employees Accommodate Medical Restrictions
An Integrated IH-MD Program Analyze Relationship Between Medical Results and Occupational Exposures Identify Individuals at Risk Based on Exposure Conduct Medical Examinations Report Findings to Employees Accommodate Medical Restrictions Perform Qualitative Assessments Implement Workplace Controls Perform Quantitative Assessments
Material FactorsControls Process EquipmentMaterial Job Monitoring Results Employee Task Location Exposure Group Exposure Assessment Exposure Monitoring Exposure History Medical Results Medical History Data Needed to Integrate Programs
Human Resources Production Exposure Groups Exposure Assessment Sampling Information Material Information - sampling methods, exposure limits health hazards & target organs Analytical Results Medical Examination Results Production dates Work Crews Employee Names Work Crews PALM PILOT OHM
Exposure Group
Materials Exposure Assessment Engineering Controls Administrative Controls Exposure Monitoring
Advantages of System Incorporates ACGIH and European Working Group recommended data elements as presented at 1999 conference in England Even if programs aren’t integrated, computer application improves efficiency of both programs