The Contextual Questionnaires for the PISA for Development Study Follow up policy questions- day 2
The challenges in enhancing existing PISA questionnaires Maintain the core PISA content Extend individual measures where necessary Add content relevant to the specific educational policies in the partner countries Consider the capacity to analyze and report complex hierarchical data at the country level
PISA policy products PISA offers three types of policy-relevant products: Indicators that monitor the functioning, productivity and equity of education systems (Education at a Glance) ; Factors related to educational effectiveness; A database for comparative and policy- oriented analyses.
PISA Policy Themes selecting and grouping students; resources invested in education; school governance, assessments and accountability; the quality of learning environments
Selecting and grouping students PISA contextual questionnaires collect information on: children language and early schooling experiences age of entry to school grade repetition special schools and school programs selection into different types of schools ability grouping within classrooms and within schools parental choice of schools and school programs funding arrangements for private schools or charter schools.
Resources invested in education Policy questions inquire about the effects of financial, human, material, and time resources. Feeding intervention programs Incentives for families to increase school attendance Contract of performance for resource allocation Teacher training School infrastructure
School governance Questions about school governance are concerned with how student performance is related to: school autonomy school choice private and public schooling principal leadership parental involvement
Quality of learning environments This theme pertains to truancy and school climate. Special educational needs and implementation of special education School violence School safety School safety for girls
When considering the enhancement of the PISA contextual questionnaires to make them more relevant to partner countries, we need to consider the relative importance of these themes and how the current scales can be expanded.
Questions on the implementation of national policies/interventions and on their effects on student performance Structural/restructure reforms: ECE; system and grades Language policies: Bilingual Law or English as language of instruction Curricular reforms or major revisions to outdated curriculum Subject Inspection->systemic inspection Teacher staffing in rural and remote areas Allocation of infrastructural and educational resources
The data you need to answer these questions Macro trend indicators School level trend indicators Longitudinal micro level data Cross-sectional data Participation in PfD synergies with national monitoring systems and data collection