ITAAT DHE Solutions Ltd UK David Evans. 22 nd October 2010
The UK Education System - An Overview
Choices at 16 years: vocational/academic Part-time College study Work based training School leavers staying in full- time education School Colleges of Further Education Employment & training Continuing full- time education at school
The UK education system Teaching is a graduate profession There is an increasing and flexible way in which you can qualify and gain QTS All teachers must pass an NQT year They can then teach wherever and move up the ladder Training is a regular requirement and schools close to train teachers in areas of requirement There are many other optional training opportunities and it is at the discretion of the schools OFSTED School management LA’s Academies and private schools
Adult Education in the UK Has taken place in a structured format for a long time Currently more than 3 million adult learners in the UK DFE fund much of the AE Courses such as EAL are free NIACE - The national Institute for adult and continuing Education acts as a government advisor on policy in AE Adult Learners' Week Adult Education Services / Colleges / private Formal / Non formal / Informal education Community based adult learning Vocational and non vocational education Staff training
Vital Vital is a professional development programme which aims to help you use ICT to add value to your lessons and find new ways to engage your learners. Delivered by the Open University and funded by DfE, Vital provides: inspiring ideas to inspire your learners materials you can use in your own classroom opportunities to share expertise with your peers What does Vital offer? flexible, cost-effective courses that fit with your busy schedule case studies of how other teachers are using ICT in their own lessons collaborative spaces to share ideas, experiences and materials guides to key technologies and ideas on how to use them in the classroom interviews with leading practitioners advice and support from ICT specialists useful links
ICT in UK education ICT is a compulsory subject on both the primary and secondary curriculum All schools have computers and Internet connection All schools have interactive whiteboards Many schools are adopting Moodle as a way of managing homework and communicating with parents Many schools use educational software designed to teach the national curriculum Internet safety and usage protocols is a current major issue at both primary and secondary schools
DHE Solutions Ltd. DHE Solutions Ltd is an SME which focuses on educational research and evaluation It has been going for 8 years Only has two employees but works with associates. It has been involved in pan EU programmes for 6 years It is currently involved in a number of pan EU programmes including Grundtvig, Leonardo and KA3 (ICT) projects
TOOL Tipls TOOL TIPLS (Tool to improve transparency of professional language skills) in targeted occupations within the hospitality industry. It is a Leonardo transfer of Innovation project Partners: Lithuania (SIH), & Alytus Vocational Training Centre;, Romania (EuroEd), Finland (Omnia), Latvia (Smiltene Tehnikums) and UK (DHE solutions) Please read the latest newsletter
Office InterActors Office InterActors is a Leonardo da Vinci transfer of innovation project with partners from Romania (EuroEd), UK (DHE Solutions), Spain (ISSA), France (GRETA du Velay ) Lithuania (SIH), & Bulgaria (EuroInform) Office InterActors takes groups of workers or students and tests their generic office skills in national teams by working through work based scenarios and interacting on a web platform
Other EU projects - MyStory MyStory is a KA3 (ICT) project which will consult with older people across Europe, and in consultation with Young people familiar with computing, will record interesting life stories and at the same time introduce them to the Internet The stories will be uploaded to an online database which will be meta tagged to produce a variety of search criteria for general interest as well as for specialists such as researchers or historians.
Other EU projects - INTEGRA INTEGRA is a Grundtvig Multilateral project which will help immigrant communities living within the EU to engage with their new communities more effectively by a training programme centred around familiar language and common phrases around finance.
DHE other projects DHE is also involved as an evaluator at local regional and national level with various projects Dads in demand Supplementary schools Evaluation of adult education Web based database development for education Stand alone database development for education.
DHE Solutions - use of ICT These programmes and projects variously utilise ICT technologies with staff and adult learners including: Microsoft Office Web based communications Web design packages Website analysis tools Web platforms Web tools Animation production software and hardware Visual and audio recording hardware Audience response systems
People working with DHE Solutions DHE Solutions works closely with various people from other organisations Ecotec the UK national agency stated that it was fine for me to include colleagues from joint projects as representatives of DHE Here are two other people you will meet:
Ann-Marie Houghton Anne Marie Houghton is an educational researcher based at Lancaster University She works in a number of areas but mainly with adults who are disadvantaged. She works with organisations catering for disabled learners, and the various ITC used with disabled learners. ofiles/Ann-Marie-Houghton/Edres/ ofiles/Ann-Marie-Houghton/Edres/
Andy Giles Andy Giles works with the Campaign for Learning – a national charity focused on family learning Andy is co-ordinator of the ‘Dads in demand’ project He is very familiar with animation hardware and software OIBzpg4HSU&feature=mfu_in_order He has also used the Quizzdom audience response system, and we will demonstrate both and discuss the ‘Learning to Learn’ methodology when you come to visit us in Lancaster
Lancaster Lancaster is a smallish town situated in the north West of England It has about 60,000 inhabitants It is actually a city because it has a Cathedral It dates back to Roman times as a strategic crossing point on the river It sits between two beautiful areas of natural beauty – the Pennines and the English lake District
The English Lake District
English lake District
ITAAT David Evans