Writing Learning Objectives: Beginning With The End In Mind “If you don’t know where you’re going, how do you know when you’ve arrived?”
GOAL vs OBJECTIVE The terms “goal” and “objective” are sometimes used interchangeably. This is wrong! They are different…
Goal Definition A statement that describes in broad terms what the learner will gain from instruction Example Students will gain an appreciation of modern art. Clarification Goals are broad statements and sometimes difficult to measure. The important thing about goals is that they help us focus on the big picture. Relate this to Data Team terms
Objective Definition A statement in specific and measurable terms that describes what the learner will know or be able to do as a result of instruction Example Students will list three characteristics of modern art. Clarification A learning objective is much more specific than a goal and includes: a measurable verb, important condition under which the performance is to occur, and the criterion of acceptable performance.
Definition Objectives are statements which describe what the learner is expected to achieve as a result of instruction. Other terms you will see for learning objective: Behavioral objectives Outcomes Educational objectives Performance objectives Instructional objectives Learning Target Competencies
“The goal is where we want to be “The goal is where we want to be. The objectives are the steps needed to get there.”
Stiggins—Chapter 3 pages 53-60 What’s The Purpose?!? Benefits to Teachers Benefits to Students Benefits to Parents Stiggins—Chapter 3 pages 53-60 Follow with a silent conversation / chalk talk
Purposes of Objectives-- They provide the teacher with the focus of the teaching-learning process. In other words, you know your destination when you begin instruction. They answer the question, “What are the students supposed to know or be able to do after the lesson is completed?”
Purposes of Objectives They provide a clear framework for assessment. Assessment is, after all, an effort to determine to what extent student have reached or achieved the objectives.
Purposes of Objectives They provide the students direction and a focus for learning. Students have a better opportunity to stay the course when they know the purpose of the learning.
What objectives are NOT designed to do… Objectives should NOT describe what the teacher does during the lesson (instructional strategies or methods). They may or may not overlap with the students’ activities, but they ultimately should describe what the student is able to do after the learning.
Interrelationship objectives learning activities evaluation What the student should be able to do following instruction Test, assignment, project—whatever form evaluation takes, it should measure the student’s accomplishment of the learning targets The things the student does to learn (lecture, experiment)