RZ_to_LT-INFOBALT_18Jan2007 - 1 Infobalt Vilnius, 18 January 2007 Innovation support in EU and its policies Rosalie Zobel, PhD Director ICT “Components.


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Presentation transcript:

RZ_to_LT-INFOBALT_18Jan Infobalt Vilnius, 18 January 2007 Innovation support in EU and its policies Rosalie Zobel, PhD Director ICT “Components & Systems” DG Information Society and Media European Commission, Brussels

RZ_to_LT-INFOBALT_18Jan Presentation outline The renewed Lisbon Strategy R&D and Innovation policy of the European Union Case of Electronics R&D: key for Europe’s competitiveness Pulling efforts together under FP7 and CIP From European Technology Platforms to Joint Technology Initiatives: ENIAC & ARTEMIS Lithuanian participation in FP6 IST programme

RZ_to_LT-INFOBALT_18Jan By 2010 Europe should “… become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion.” - Lisbon Council of Ministers, March 2000 The Lisbon goal

RZ_to_LT-INFOBALT_18Jan Markets & Competition: Europe – A more attractive place to invest & work –The internal market –Improve regulation –Competitive markets –Expand & improve infrastructure Knowledge & innovation for growth –Increase R&D investment –Facilitate innovation & uptake of ICT & the sustainable use of resources –Contribute to a strong industrial base Employment & Skills: Creating more & better jobs –Employment & social protection systems –Flexibility of labour markets –Human capital: Better education & skills The renewed Lisbon strategy

RZ_to_LT-INFOBALT_18Jan R&D EU: Largest knowledge-based economy by 2010 ? Education & Training Innovation How can Europe achieve its Lisbon goals ? 1.By building on its strengths 2.Public & private sectors investing in knowledge 3.By drawing efforts together −Creating synergies across Europe −Avoiding fragmentation & duplication of effort

RZ_to_LT-INFOBALT_18Jan Research policy Raise R&D investment (3% objective) Create a single “market” for research (ERA) and innovation –An area of free movement of knowledge, researchers & technology R&D excellence Improve human capital & skills base Build effective research infrastructures Aligning Framework Programme (FP) & national R&D programmes

RZ_to_LT-INFOBALT_18Jan Is Europe investing enough ? Europe – a net importer of electronics Aggressive global competition: Asia 2/3 of world semiconductor market & 3/4 share in investment A typical semiconductor fabrication facility costs € 2.5 billion Source: European Semiconductor Industry Association, 2005

RZ_to_LT-INFOBALT_18Jan European microelectronics achievements World top-10 list of semiconductor companies: –1990: 1 European company –2004: 3 European companies –2006: ? Equipment: –Wafer processing: 5 European SMEs on top 10 list Europe’s big 2 (ASML and ASM Int’l) on top 10 –Assembly equipment: 2 European companies on top 10 list Consensus building via technology platforms

RZ_to_LT-INFOBALT_18Jan Framework Programme 7 ( ): The Commission has raised its R&D investment FP1 FP2 FP3FP4FP5FP Budget in bn €/yr (5 % of total civil RTD expenditure) … FP %

RZ_to_LT-INFOBALT_18Jan FP7 Specific Programmes + EURATOM EURATOM Programme “Cooperation” Collaborative R&D, pre-defined themes, JTIs “Ideas” Frontier research, competition, individual grants “People” Human potential, mobility “Capacities” Infrastructure, SMEs, science and society Joint Research Centre (non-nuclear) NEW Total € 54.6 bn € 1.3 bn € 2.8 bn € 32.3 bn € 7.5 bn 3 % 65 % 15 % 9 % € 4.7 bn 8 % € 1.8 bn € 4.3 bn

RZ_to_LT-INFOBALT_18Jan Triple Helix: spiral model of innovation capitalising on the multiple reciprocal relationships between public & private stakeholders at various knowledge stages European Technology Platforms Addressing major technological challenges in specific domains Aiming to leverage public & private investment for R&D & innovation Involving key R&D stakeholders Bundling fragmented R&D efforts towards agreed goals 30+ European Technology Platforms: cordis.europa.eu/technology-platforms POLICY RESEARCH BUSINESS

RZ_to_LT-INFOBALT_18Jan Joint Technology Initiatives (JTI): Implementing Strategic Research Agenda Stakeholders to agree a common vision for the technology Define a Strategic Research Agenda setting out the objectives for the technology Implement the Strategic Research Agenda Industrial leadership Bottom-up process with key stakeholders in a specific domain Key deliverable: Strategic vision document Co-ordinated by an Advisory Council Consensus-based Deployment strategy FP7 Projects National R&D programmes and through a JTI which integrates funding sources

RZ_to_LT-INFOBALT_18Jan The two JTI candidates in ICT Nanoelectronics: addressing the needs of silicon- based technologies & beyond shrinking of CMOS logic & memory devices development of value-added functions for system-on-chip or system-in-package solutions equipment & materials design automation Nanoelectronics: addressing the needs of silicon- based technologies & beyond shrinking of CMOS logic & memory devices development of value-added functions for system-on-chip or system-in-package solutions equipment & materials design automation Embedded Computing Systems: ubiquitous, interoperable & cost-effective embedded systems reference designs and architectures middleware for interoperability and seamless connectivity integrated design software tools for rapid development & prototyping Embedded Computing Systems: ubiquitous, interoperable & cost-effective embedded systems reference designs and architectures middleware for interoperability and seamless connectivity integrated design software tools for rapid development & prototyping PARADES artemis-office.org eniac.eu

RZ_to_LT-INFOBALT_18Jan Lithuanian participation to FP6-IST programme Lithuanian partners in IST projects: –~6.5 million € in 51 projects Active participation in –Support measures in strengthening research efforts and stimulation of participation –Embedded Systems and Components –eHealth and eInclusion –eMobility and networks Most active participants: –Kauno Technologijos Universitetas, Šiaulių Universitetas, Puslaidininkiu Fizikos Institutas

RZ_to_LT-INFOBALT_18Jan Thank you ! For more information: European research on the web: Information Society and Media: Directorate „Components & Systems“: Contact: rosalie.zobel „at“ ec.europa.eu