Welcome to Amateur Radio
This is what most people think of when they think of radio! These are broadcast types of radio stations
Other types of radios. citizen’s band (CB) walkie-talkies Both of these allow for two way communication
An amateur radio station consists of the apparatus necessary to transmit and receive radio communications. It is capable of carrying out radio communication around the world. Therefore, its use is governed by Federal laws and is strictly self-policed.
Amateur Radio operators must have a license from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in order to use a radio. More about the FCC later The license allows you to operate within the rules established by the FCC for the Amateur Radio Service. (part 97)
Test Question Alert? What is the definition of an amateur radio station? A station in an Amateur Radio Service consisting of the apparatus necessary carrying on radio communications.
Test Question Alert Who makes and enforces the rules for the Amateur Radio Service in the United States? The Federal Communications Commission
How do I get a license? * Study for a 35 question multiple choice test * Pay $15.00 testing fee (you did this already when you registered for class) * Pass the test by missing less than 8 questions.
What are the different types of license? Technician General Amateur Extra
The test will be given and scored by 3 licensed amateurs who have a General Class license or higher. They are Volunteer Examiners The Volunteer Examiners are accredited by a Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (approved by The FCC) to administer amateur license Examinations.
Who can get a license? Anyone who can pass the test… There are no age restrictions Once you pass the test and are the holder of a license registered in the FCC ULS database you are considered an amateur operator! Good for 10 years!
Test Question Alert! What classes of U.S. amateur radio licenses may currently be earned by examination? Technician General Amateur Extra
Test question Alert! How many and what class of Volunteer Examiners are required to administer the Technician written exam? Three examiners holding a General Class license or higher.
You are considered an amateur operator when: you are registered as an amateur operator in the FCC ULS database. Test Question Alert! Who is an amateur operator as defined in Part 97?
Test Question Alert! What is the minimum age required to hold an amateur license? There is no age limit
Test Question Alert! What is the normal term for an amateur license grant? 10 years
The FCC is charged with administering all the radio frequencies used by U.S. radio stations. It also coordinates the use of these frequencies with other countries as part of the International telecommunications Union (ITU)
Test Question Alert! Who makes and enforces the rules for the Amateur Radio Service in the United States? What is the ITU? Federal Communications Commission The International Telecommunication Union
What do hams do ?
There are different ways to communicate using a ham radio Voice Morse code Digital
Fundamentals of communications Every operator is assigned a unique call used to identify oneself when transmitting A general call is calling “CQ” Once contact is established exchange signal report. Name and location is exchanged…