War in Korea DH Chp 2
Two Koreas Truman’s Sec. of State Dean Acheson feels that China and Soviet’s old conflicts can be played against each other Decides to allow Mao to basically ‘win’ and we will extend diplomatic relations to communist China and allow them to take seat on UN Security Council At this time U.S. looks at other commitments in Asia – particularly Korea Korea had been split at the 38 th parallel after war – with North to Soviets and U.S. South
U.S. attempts to encourage democratic ideals in South, but Syngman Rhee was a bad leader – acting like a dictator, imprisoning opponents Kim IL Sung is in power in North uses communist ideology to justify tyranny – rejects call by UN to hold elections and unify with South in 1947 Soviets support and help build up North Korean military, withdraws troops in 1948 Republican Congress will not support Democrat Truman’s request for military help to South Korea – we do send 500 military advisors, but worried that Rhee will invade North Korea we don’t provide them with artillery and weapons Three Speeches: Acheson gives speech in 1950 to define America’s commitment to Asia – the line passes through Aleutian islands, Japan and Philippines – but not S. Korea, Formosa or Indochina – some worry this would lead to South Korea to fall to communism It is around this time that Joe McCarthy gives speech saying we are losing the Cold War
South Korea Attacked June 1950 – North Korea crosses the 38 th parallel, causing the South Korean army to scatter Truman and his advisors must decide what to do? Which policy will they follow? Our decision would, regardless, affect our relationship with Chiang Kai-shek if we fight the North Koreans to keep communism out of S. Korea, we can’t justify allowing China to fall to communism; And do we risk American troops in trying to save S. Korea when we couldn’t save China; yet do we let Korea go totally over to communism and allow Soviets to flex their might – we would appear weak and be vulnerable.
General MacArthur Truman decides we can’t let S. Korea fall to communism, so he first tries to negotiate with Soviets and ask UN to request North Korea desist its attack When these attempts lead to naught – he orders US troops to assist S. Korea (this is a military action since Congress does not declare war) We first try air support, but it fails to stop North Korea – which goes on to capture Seoul, South Korea’s capital. Truman then orders ground troops into Korea, the UN creates a united command and Truman appoints MacArthur commander of UN forces – 16 countries fight, but US supplies 2/3 of troops
North Korea continues to advance and MacArthur orders troops to hold their ground and not retreat; finally UN troops are able to mount a successful counterattack, albeit brief MacArthur plans for a quick end to the war – plan is to drop troops behind enemy lines, near Seoul, but there is great risk due to high tide – but it does catch enemy by surprise and and soon UN troops are heading toward 38 th parallel This might have been the end since the UN objective was to free South Korea (Daddy Bush and Iraq) – but US wants to free North Korea also – England and India not so sure about this plan Truman gets his way and orders MacArthur to continue the attack unless it looks like China or the Soviet Union might enter the war
Unbeknownst to MacArthur – China was preparing to attack – they surprise UN troops – this leads to a race to the Yalu River – which MacArthur says when we win would send troops home by Christmas Chinese troops though had remained undetected and counterattacked – attacking after sunset, so we couldn’t use our air forces UN troops lose ground and need to make it back and make their way back to the 38 th parallel
The Firing of MacArthur MacArthur and Truman disagree on 3 points a)MacArthur wants to use nuclear weapons – Truman says no, they would not be effective in mountains and world opinion would be against it b)MacArthur wants to bomb Chinese bases and factories in Manchuria and destroy bridges at Yalu River – Truman believes this would lead to China bombing US airfields in Korea and bring Soviets into war c)MacArthur wants Chiang Kai-shek forces to invade mainland of China leading to a ‘new revolution’ in China and draw troops out of Korea – Truman doesn’t want a land war in Asia the ‘wrong war at the wrong time, the wrong place, and against the wrong enemy’. MacArthur says Truman’s plan is no better than appeasement and the goal should be to liberate North Korea
Truman is warned that firing MacArthur would be a bad PR move; but had no idea how bad it would be – thousands in Japan, Hawaii and D.C. give him a hero’s welcome; he is asked to address a joint session of Congress Who was right?