Communications Plan The High: Team Alpha: All High Teachers, High Principal Scott B. & High Principal Ed K., High Student Council Members, High Parent Association members, High Parent Teacher Association, Entire High Student Body :
Background and Scope The issue The High faces is simple: How can The High’s better improve communication between staff and community members to foster a more positive symbiotic relationship of lifelong learners?
Setting Objectives The initiative calls for a multi-faceted, multi- media approach to delivering a positive, proactive, coherent, and consistent message about the strengths and challenges faced and conquered by The High’s Students, Staff and District. – To increase awareness about the positive impact of reforms to the academic, inter and intra-scholastic athletics, social programs, and standards. – Improve public perception via focus on positive efforts and improve public perception of schools staff and district policies.
Objectives (Communications) The High’s approach to this work will focus on three key strategies : 1. Improve delivery of news and positive messages to families, staff and the community. Counter myths and misconceptions about schools and the district with timely, accurate information, personal testimonials and evidence. Improve media relations through cultivation of relationships with reporters and expansion to new outlets. Use technology to convey news and messages in innovative ways and to broader audiences. Design and launch a proactive marketing and public relations campaign with consistent messaging about achievements and improvements in schools and the district.
Objectives Continued 2. Build capacity among school and central staff to improve communication. Develop district-wide communications policies and procedures, and compile them into a user-friendly resource guide for staff. Provide ongoing training and technical assistance to schools and central offices in marketing, public and media relations, customer service and other communications skills. Prioritize improved communications specifically by grade level to target specific goals and objectives for that age group.
Objectives Continued 3. Measure and track public perception and satisfaction. Conduct qualitative and quantitative market research among various Stakeholders (including parent groups, advocacy groups and all those with stakes in the educational process) through focus groups, surveys, etc. Report results regularly to the community, as well as to schools and district offices, to identify gaps and improve services to families.
Target Audiences To achieve the objectives outlined above, the district must focus on several audiences, including: – alumnus and current parents and students – families who are considering the The High for their children, and those who – Families of students who may have opted out of The High for other educational opportunities (i.e. parochial, charter, private schools) – Current staff and partners working to improve the schools This should include teaching candidates, teaching programs, and other potential employees – The general public i.e. citizens, taxpayers, educational interest groups, employers and others – who may not use the system but who have a significant stake in its success
Key Messages Key messages are the messages you want your audiences to remember. The best messages are short and simple. Each of your objectives will have at least one target audience (i.e. parents, local businesses, students). What and how you communicate may need to vary accordingly to each audience. It is important to identify the audience and understand their perspective and current level of awareness. Knowing your audience will help you to select appropriate messages and determine how to deliver them
Evaluation Plan How will you evaluate?
Budget How will you fund costs? What is the priority?
Tactics-Group 1
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Tactics-Group 4