Business Support Grants Nottingham City Council Travel Planning & Business Support T: E: Contact: Richard Mallender, WPL Travel Planning Officer
Local Sustainable Transport Fund Business Support Grant 2012/13 A guide for organisations located in Nottingham The Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF) Business Support Grant scheme will fund or match fund on-site sustainable travel infrastructure for local businesses. The purpose is to support our Smarter Transport Choices programme by making greener healthier travel choices a realistic and attractive option for journeys to and from work. This will include a range of community sustainable travel services such as cycle training, advice on the best public transport options and information on local walking and cycling routes helping local people to make more sustainable choices. It may for example include support for electric and hybrid vehicles through low carbon transport infrastructure grants, advice on fleet management and installing electric charging points. There may be provision for direct support to local businesses in respect of other small scale infrastructure improvements in line with the aims of the fund.
Cycling Infrastructure Support Grant A guide for organisations located in Nottingham The Cycling Infrastructure Support Grant (CISG) scheme makes up to £3,000 of capital funding available for organisations liable for the Workplace Parking Levy. The purpose is to support the uptake of cycling within liable organisations by providing grants and incentives to develop parking and changing facilities, security and access improvements.
Parking Management Support Grant A guide for organisations located in Nottingham The Parking Management Grant Support Scheme (PMGSS) grant scheme makes up to £2,500 of funding available for organisations liable for the Workplace Parking Levy. The purpose is to support the uptake of parking management schemes within liable organisations by providing site specific advice and consultancy support to research and develop parking management schemes that may include passing on WPL costs to employees. This will be through the use of consultants to work alongside organisations, providing them with dedicated support.
Business Support Grants WPL grants available from today from the Business Travel Support Service page index.aspx?articleid=15372 Or go to WPL – Information for Employers and click on Parking management and travel planning advice and assistance