Grade 6 Data Management Unit Scatter Plots Grade 6 Data Management Unit
Re-cap… Where do we plot a line graph? What is the purpose of a line graph What is the difference of a line graph Vs. a bar graph?
What Type of Graph is This?
What is a Scatter Plot? A scatter plot is a graph made by plotting ordered pairs in a coordinate plane to show the correlation between two sets of data.
More About Scatter Plots A scatter plot describes a positive trend if, as one set of values increases, the other set tends to increase. A scatter plot describes a negative trend if, as one set of values increases, the other set tends to decrease. A scatter plot shows no trend if the ordered pairs show no correlation.
Think, Pair, Share… What information do you get from this graph?
Example The scatter plot shows the hours of study and test scores of 20 students. As the number of hours of study increases, the marks scored tend to increase. So, the scatter plot describes a positive trend.
If we wanted to find the average of all the data, what could we do?
Line of Best Fit If we wanted to find the average of all the information in a scatter plot, we would create a line of best fit A line on a graph showing the general direction that a group of points seem to be heading. It goes through the majority of points of the graph
Line of Best Fit
What do you think is the purpose of the line of best fit?
Purpose The line of best fit can be used to make predictions. Guess where the next point would go…