Guard Recruiting Assistance Program
G-RAP Basics The Guard Recruiting Assistance Program was developed to increase the strength of the National Guard from within. Guard Recruiting Assistants (RAs) can earn additional income through assisting Army National Guard recruiting efforts by identifying well-qualified men and women for service in the Army National Guard and mentoring them through the enlistment/commissioning process.
Benefits of G-RAP Recruiting Assistants directly effect the quality of Soldiers in their unit $2,000 for each verified Non-Prior Service accession and shipment to BCT $2,000 for each verified Prior Service accession Up to $7,500 for each verified Officer commission Access to the Guard Mission Zone, an online store for free ARNG promotional items to assist in Recruiting Assistant duties
Who Can Be Nominated? Family Members Friends Prior Service Individuals Non-Prior Service Individuals Anyone in your “Sphere of Influence” expressing an interest in the ARNG with whom you have a personal relationship
Spheres of Influence
Enlistment Payments Non-Prior Service Enlistments: Payment is issued in the amount of $1000 for each verified G-RAP enlistment and a second $1000 upon the nominee’s verified shipment to Basic Training within 365 days of contract. First payment is authorized 45 days after the contract date upon system verification via SIDPERS and ARISS. Second payment is authorized within two weeks upon confirmation of shipment to Basic Combat Training within the allotted timeframe. Prior-Service Enlistments: The full $2,000 is authorized 45 days after the contract date and upon system verification via SIDPERS and ARISS. **Payments distributed to a Recruiting Assistant in the Guard Recruiting Assistance Program are treated as taxable income (1099) by the IRS, and may be treated as taxable income by the state of residence. RAs are responsible for the reporting and payment of any taxes that may be due on payments made through the Guard Recruiting Assistance Program.
G-RAP-O (Officers) Recruiting Assistants can earn up to a total of $7,500 for select Officer Accessions!** Once a Potential Officer is identified and pre-qualified, the RA will facilitate a meeting with the local Officer Strength Manager (OSM). The OSM and RA will then work closely together to move the Potential Officer through the commissioning process. Officer payments will be authorized upon NGB confirmation of commitment or accession dates in a one time payment. **The total amount of payment for an Officer Accession is determined by the ARNG’s current critical needs and the GRAP-O payment chart at the date of accession. See the G-RAP website for more details.
For More Information: Call G-RAP at 1-866-566-2472 (Monday-Friday, 7 AM to 6 PM CST) Email us at