1 Farzia Hausil NIMOS Legal Advisor Sustainable Development Policy in Suriname.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Farzia Hausil NIMOS Legal Advisor Sustainable Development Policy in Suriname

2 Table of content Kyoto Protocol and SD General SD Criteria. Suriname: a.Constitution b. Government Policy (Regeringsverklaring, MOP, beleidsnota ATM) Belize SD criteria Brazil SD criteria EIA Suriname Conclusion

3 Kyoto Protocol and SD Article 12 Kyoto Protocol: The purpose of the clean development mechanism shall be to assist Parties not included in Annex I in achieving sustainable development and in contributing to the ultimate objective of the Convention, and to assist Parties included in Annex I in achieving compliance with their quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments under Article 3. CDM strives to promote sustainable development in developing countries CDM integrates CC and SD.

4 Proposed CDM project activity must be approved by host country Procedural requirements: the project’s conformity to the national sustainable development criteria. Three dimensions: economic, environment and social dimension Kyoto Protocol and SD

5 General SD Criteria.

6 Article 6g: protection of nature and ecological balance. Investment in compliance with national development goals, interest of all, openbare orde, health etc. Constitution Suriname

7 SD Policy in Suriname Government Policy (Regeringsverklaring ): Basic document for policy for 5 years Key elements of policy: a.Good governance b.Education c.Health d.Labour e.Production f.Environment g.Energy

8 Pillars: economic -, social development and a just distribution of wealth Policy priorities: a.Guarantee minimal social security b.Make accessible social securities c.An equitable distribution of income d.Public participation e.Sustainable exploitation production sectors SD Policy in Suriname

9 Policy document Ministry ATM: Mission: Sustainable development through a.increase job opportunities b.Use environmental friendly technologies c.Protection environment Policy priorities: a.Human resource b.Protection and management of environment SD Policy in Suriname

10 Belize Sustainable Development Criteria Environmental Project should be compatible with and supportive of national environment and development priorities, they must abide by existing legal requirements (laws, regulations, permits). Promote Sustainable use of Natural Resource such as: –Biodiversity conservation –Reforestation and forest conservation (maintenance or increase of population of local plant species) –Sustainable Land Use –Watershed Protection

11 Belize Sustainable Development Criteria Social Community participation should be encouraged. Projects must improve quality of life with regards to social variables such as: health, education, housing, employment. All efforts should be made to sustain local cultures. Economic Overall positive impact on the national economy Generation of new investments Effective transfer of technology/best practices; (indicators include efficient technology in the use of technology with minimum negative impact on the environment than the ones used traditionally)

12 Brazil Sustainable Development Criteria a.Contribution to local environmental sustainability: Assess mitigation local environmental impacts caused by the project b.Contribution improvement labor conditions and job creation (assess social and labor responsibilities) c.Contribution to distribution of income: assess direct and indirect effects on quality of life of low-income populations d. contribution to training and technological development (assess degree of technological innovation) e.Contribution to regional integration and linkages with other sectors (integration with other socio-economic activities in regional)

13 EIA in Suriname NIMOS has adapted existing screening methods and procedures from international agencies. Description most important characteristics and quality of environment in the area; Description most relevant positive and negative impacts on biophysical and socio- economic components of environment checklist for screening: Environment a.Will use of water affect the availability of existing local supplies?

14 EIA in Suriname b. Will the project cause disturbance or loss of important land uses? Social and health: a. Will the project affect the labour or property market in the area? b. Will project significantly affect health conditions Economic: Will the project provide facilities, which could stimulate further development (industrial development)

15 Conclusion No internationally set standard what SD in a CDM project constitute SD criteria selection and assessment of SD impacts on CDM projects: left to host country as a sovereign matter. All countries have different challenges, priorities, objectives and will have different dimensions of SD

16 The SD assessment of CDM projects is opportunity for Suriname to evaluate key linkages between national development goals and potential CDM projects Aim: to select and design projects in a way, where they create, exploit and maximize local development synergies. Conclusion

17 Thank you Questions?