e-Learning How can it support and enhance a ‘growth mindset’ culture at Belmont Community School? SESSION 3 –
Aims of our e-Learning hub session today: To analyse the results of our self-designed pupil e-Learning survey and identify emerging priorities. To develop the core principles of our ‘e- Learning charter’. To gain an insight into the cross-curricular e- Learning resource memrise.
Pupil e-Learning survey What do the results of the survey tell us about the current situation? Is there any potential for ‘inequality’ in provision? Are the students ‘ready’ for e-Learning? What does the survey tell us about the students’ current experiences of e-Learning? What do we learn about pupils’ ‘attitudes’ towards e-Learning?
I like it very much I don’t like it at all
DISCUSSION ON PUPIL E-LEARNING SURVEY: Are parents likely to want to pay for 3G/4G for students to use in school? Reliability of network: lots of students working online at the same time. We need to ask ourselves whether or not BYOD is better than a laptop per 4 or 5 students. Having class sets of, e.g. iPads takes away inequality. Survey gives a positive impression of students’ readiness for e-Learning. Students will need to be taught how to use technology productively and independently. Edmodo has created mixed experiences: survey shows 49% don’t like it. Issues with restrictions in school?
Belmont Community School e- Learning charter Aim: To formulate an e-Learning charter for our school with the following sections: 1.RATIONALE (Why do we want/need effective e-Learning in school?) 2.LEARNING DISPOSITIONS (Which dispositions should e-Learning nurture and how will it happen? 3.SAFETY (What are the ‘ground rules’ of e- Learning to ensure that it is safe for students?)
Online resource demo