US Pacific Command Area of Responsibility
Area of Responsibility Political Systems Religion Art US InterestsOverview
Waters off the Pacific Coast to the western border of India, North Pole to Antarctica 36 nations, 50% of the world population, 3,000 languages 2 of the 3 largest economies in the world Largest democratic Muslim majority nation in the world Smallest republic in the world Area of Responsibility
USPACOM headquarters in HI is closer to NYC than Sydney, Australia Joint Base Lewis-McChord near Seattle closer to Kuwait City than Bangkok, Thailand Area of Responsibility
Political Systems Majority representative governments China and North Korea: communist states w/large standing armies & nuclear capability Laos: communist state w/continued class system, limited private enterprise, and normal trade relations w/US Burma: aka Myanmar, ruling military junta
Home to Buddhism and Hinduism Large population of India, Indonesia and Bangladesh make Islam and Hinduism most prevalent religions in the region Christianity dominant in British Commonwealth nations & smaller island nationsReligion
Religion Hinduism: – World’s oldest organized religion evolving since 1500 BCE – World’s 3rd largest religion after Christianity and Islam – Dominant religion in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka – No single founder, concept of deity, holy text, system of morality, central religion authority, concept of prophet – All encompassing way of life
Religion Buddhism – 4th largest religion in the world – No congregational membership, little participation in public ceremonies, often exists in nations with little or no religious freedom (such as China) – Often combined w/other religions – Founded in Northern India around sixth century BCE (predates Christianity & Islam) – Shares w/Hinduism belief in karma, dharma, and reincarnation Bodhi Tree where The Buddha achieved enlightenment
Buddhism, Cont. – No recognition or worship of deities – No concept of the human soul – Multiple forms across world; Theravada Buddhism is most common in Southeast Asia, Mahayana Buddhism most common in China, Japan, Korea, Tibet, Mongolia; Tibetan Buddhism in Tibet – Zen Buddhism developed in China but increasingly popular in WestReligion
Islam – 2nd largest religion in world, estimated to be largest in world by mid-twenty-first century – Mostly Sunni Islam in USPACOM region – Indonesia 4th largest population in world, republic, Largest Islamic constitutional democracy in the world after massive student protests in 1990s – Bangladesh 7th largest population in world, Islamic democracyReligion
Western vs. Eastern Art – West Art is communication between artist and audience Distinction between visual arts and performing arts – East Art is the essence or inherent nature of object Visual and performing arts are blended Painting & calligraphy are only “fine” arts because they alone require no physical labor and have no physical function Art is highly symbolicArt
Chinese, Korean and Japanese calligraphy considered an art form; developed from Chinese characters but borrow from each other Characters serve as symbols for complex ideas Literature in China, Korea and Japan bound to the development of written languageArt
East Asian music = small ensembles emphasizing melody over harmony South Asian music = typically played against drone Music, dance and drama are linked; little evidence of separate evolution or development East Asian dance = music played to the rhythm of dancer’s feet (music played to dancers, dancers don’t dance to music)Art
Masked and unmasked dances, theater, processionals, opera, shadow theater, puppet theater, dialogue plays with music and dance are common Indian dance gestures (madras) are highly abstract symbols expressing non-physical states of being, similar to Chinese calligraphyArt
Aesthetic – Wabi-sabi – Non-linear, holistic approach to art and beautyArt
Mutual Defense Treaties and Strategic Partnerships – 5 of 7 mutual defense treaties in USPACOM: Japan, Australia, South Korea, Thailand, the Phillipines – Date back to 1950s and US attempts to prevent spread of communism after WWII US Interests
Mutual Defense Treaties and Strategic Partnerships – Australia: Active participant in stabilization efforts in region Recently increased participation in Afghanistan Regular collaboration in ISR, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief US Interests
Mutual Defense Treaties and Strategic Partnerships – Japan: Cornerstone of US security strategy in Northeast Asia Close military and political ties US Interests
Mutual Defense Treaties and Strategic Partnerships – Republic of Korea: Provide active anti-piracy efforts and maritime security Direct assistance in OEF in Afghanistan US is actively handing off security responsibilities to ROK US Interests
Mutual Defense Treaties and Strategic Partnerships – Republic of the Philippines Transitioning forces from internal security to territorial defense US Interests
Mutual Defense Treaties and Strategic Partnerships – Thailand Providing important contributions to overseas contingency ops, counternarcotics, humanitarian assistance, and peacekeeping operations Contributes to regional security, shares goals of democracy, regional stability, counterterrorism and counter-proliferation with United States US Interests
Trade and Commerce – 4 of “Top 10” trading partners of the US: China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan; China and Japan are also 2 of “Top 5” – Interdependent economies felt in emergencies such as earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster in Japan US Interests
Strategic Influence – US influence in region being increasingly challenged by China and India – USPACOM leaders consistently telling USPACOM/CC that constraints on partnerships imposed by United States make partnerships increasingly difficult
Area of Responsibility Political Systems Religion Art US InterestsSummary