 Objective: Land Allied troops in mainland Europe  If the Nazi’s know where the attack is coming, they will be able to focus their forces at that spot.


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Presentation transcript:

 Objective: Land Allied troops in mainland Europe  If the Nazi’s know where the attack is coming, they will be able to focus their forces at that spot and repel the landings.  In order for this attack to be successful the Allies had to trick the Germans into thinking the attack was taking place somewhere else.  One plan leaked radio messages suggesting an Allied attack on Norway (Nazi territory)  Dummies with parachutes were dropped into Le Harve, France. Pretending to be paratroopers.

 Fake orders were planted on dead bodies and allowed to wash up on Nazi controlled beaches.  Finally, George S. Patton (one of America’s best Generals) was put in charge of an inflatable army of dummies and balloon tanks poised to “attack” Calais, France.  When the Allies were convinced the Germans were fooled, they started their invasion.

 Normandy, France  The largest seaborne invasion in History  The coast was split into five sections: Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword  Great Britain, United States and Canada spearheaded the invasion  Casualties were heaviest on the American beach of Omaha.  10,000 Allied casualties. Over 4,000 dead.  4,000-9,000 German casualties  Allied Victory: Foothold in Europe as they push to free France and defeat Germany