Windy Arbor Early Years’ Unit Newsletter Spring Term 2013 – Another exciting year ahead ! 'Tell me and I forget Show me and I remember Let me experience and I understand’ Please share stories and rhymes with your children on a regular basis. Speaking and listening skills help the children to develop in all areas of the curriculum. Sharing stories in this way will help the children to develop vocabulary and language skills. We hope that the Reception children are enjoying their ‘Booktime’ story about ‘But excuse me that is my book’ and all the Nursery children will each receive a ‘Treasure Chest’ during the Summer term. If you are helping your child to write their name, please only use a capital letter for the first letter. We have sheets in the Early Years of how we teach the children to form their letters please ask if you would like one. Can we ask that all parents wait until all children have been released before coming to the door to talk to a member of staff to ensure safety of the children at home time. Sorry you may have to wait a little while as we have a lot of children to release. Topics The books we are looking at this half term are ‘Owl Babies’ and ‘Peace at Last’. Lots of our maths, reading, writing, science, history, geography and creative work this term is going to be linked to these. Also please look on our website for ideas and topic related activities. If you have any concerns please come and chat to us – together we can ensure that your children have the best opportunities possible We want your child’s time in Early Years to be educational but also a magical fun time that will be the foundation of all their future learning. We also want you to know what we are doing with your children and so planning folders are available and easily accessible. Please feel free to come and look, whether your child is in Nursery or Reception. Monday is P.E day. Please try to make sure that your child has socks and shoes on that are easy to take off e.g not tights if possible.
Inspire workshops – FS1 8 th April CKJ 9 th April pm JH 10 th April pm Early Years trip – week beginning 31 st March Parents Evening - to be confirmed Outdoor Area We know that Santa came at Christmas so if you have any outdoor equipment in good condition, that you can donate for our outdoor area we would be very grateful. Many thanks Future Dates to look out for: Details and times to follow. The children will be celebrating Chinese New Year during this term. Do you know when this is? Do you know why each year is a different animal? Do you know how it is celebrated? Your child will be learning this. Ask them. They should even be able to teach you to say Happy New Year in Chinese! We will also be inviting parents of Early Years’ children to join us in the classroom so that you can sample a range of activities associated with the Chinese New Year. Details to follow and if you want to join us please enter through the Nursery gate and spend some time with us, but be prepared to be a little messy or taste the children’s Chinese culinary delights! If you can spare any time to help out in Early Years please speak to any of the staff. Thank you for your continuing support. PLEASE NAME ALL YOUR CHILD’S BELONGINGS – PARTICULARLY SWEATSHIRTS AND LUNCHBOXES. Reception children also need to bring their red book bags to school every day please ‘You can teach a child a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives.’ Clay P. Bedford