Reducing your Carbon Footprint By: Kylah Rodd
What are Carbon Emissions? Carbons emissions are extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which raises the overall temperature of the planet and this increases global warming. To reduce the risk of rising temperatures and extreme weather we need to reduce the amount of fossil fuels that we use. This is no easy task.
Reducing Carbon emissions at Home There are many things that you can do to help reduce carbon emissions. What I could do to help eliminate my carbon footprint is do very simple things around my house like: Recycle Change the light bulbs in the house to more efficient energy saving light bulbs Take shorter showers Use cold water in the washer machine Use less paper Make less garbage
Here’s more ways to eliminate your carbon footprint at home: Microwave Oven -96 times per year0.945 kWh per use( based on 1.39 kWh for full power and 0.5 kWh for defrosting)£9.0739 Washing Machine - 187 washes per year EU energy label A-rated gives an average consumption at 40°C using a 2kg load to be 0.63 kWh£11.7851 Electric Tumble Dryer - 148 uses per year2.50 kWh per cycle Based on an average load capacity of 4.76 kg of dry laundry £37.00159 Gas Tumble Dryer - 148 uses per year Based on a 4kg load£11.00* See below Kettle - 1542 uses per year0.11 kWh per use based on heating 1 Liter of water£16.9073 Gas Oven - 135.1 uses per year1.52 kWh per use£7.6038 Dishwasher - at 55°C110 uses per year1.07 kWh per use £11.7751
Continued: Fridge-Freezer A ++ - spec24 hours a day206 kWh per year£20.6089 Standard Light Bulb - 4 hours a day100 W£14.6063 Low Energy Light Bulb - 4 hours a day18 W£2.6311 Primary TV – LCD 34-37 inch On Power 6.5 hours a day211.1 W£50.08215 Digital TV Adapter, Terrestrial – Recorder On Power 6.5 hours a day17.6 W£4.1818 Digital TV Adapter, Terrestrial On Power 6.5 hours a day7.1W£1.687 Primary TV – Rear projection Standby 17.5 hours a day2.0 W£1.285
Reducing Carbon Emissions at school Ways to reduce carbon emissions at school are very similar to the methods you would use at home. Like… Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Use Less Heat and Air Conditioning Buy Energy-Efficient Products- like light bulbs And other ways that you could help do is…. Car pool on the way to school with friends or get a more fuel efficient car And it would help to plant more trees around the school campus
Reducing Carbon Emissions on the Road For private cars…. Purchase a fuel efferent car Purchase a long term electric car Regulate traffic Reduce local pollution Car pool with people that are going to the same place For vans and trucks…. Use small electric vans Train drivers in driving energy efficiency
Work Cited "What are carbon emissions." Web. 21 Jan. 2010. Reducing carbon emissions at home." Web. 21 Jan. 2010. "Reduction carbon emissions at school." Web. 25 Jan. 2010. "Reductions carbon emissions on the road." Web. 25 Jan. 2010.