Payroll. The Basics  Payroll is submitted every second Monday to Lee Thompson our Controller by 11am, if for any reason you are unable to meet the 11.


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Presentation transcript:


The Basics  Payroll is submitted every second Monday to Lee Thompson our Controller by 11am, if for any reason you are unable to meet the 11 am deadline, please contact Lee directly at x34.  In the case of a statutory holiday, payroll will be submitted the Friday prior to the Monday, Lee Thompson will notify the managers of the date.  Payroll should not be a consuming task, organization is essential and using the information provided in the following slides should help to alleviate time constraints.  Staff should be completing their staff log sheets daily, an example of the sign in sheet will follow.  In order to complete payroll you will need the staff log sheet and the bonus information. Bonuses must be tracked and verified before submitting the payroll spreadsheet.

Confidentiality  It is imperative that payroll remains confidential for all staff.  Staff should be discreet about their personal paycheck and for no reason will the manager share any information regarding other staff members.

How is staffing % calculated?  Staffing % is calculated by taking the Total Salary Cost for your centre and dividing it by the Bi-weekly billings for the two week period of that payroll.  This is affected by incomplete billings! Make sure to monitor your incompletes weekly. The Monthly billing deadline should be the second deadline. Your payroll day should be your first deadline.

Payroll Template  When filling out your payroll template there are a number of areas that you must ensure are completed. Begin at the top and work your way down. Enter the location and the end date at the top of the template Enter the location and the end date at the top of the template (the end date is always the Sunday ending the 2 week pay period) (the end date is always the Sunday ending the 2 week pay period) Ensure that the employee’s names are listed in alphabetical order (Alphabetical order is important for Lee to access employee info) Ensure that the employee’s names are listed in alphabetical order (Alphabetical order is important for Lee to access employee info) Enter the total hours worked in “Regular Hours” Enter the total hours worked in “Regular Hours”

Ensure the appropriate “Rate” is entered for each employee. (Once this is entered the first time, it will not need to be adjusted until the rate changes, the spreadsheet will just be saved with this information.) Ensure the appropriate “Rate” is entered for each employee. (Once this is entered the first time, it will not need to be adjusted until the rate changes, the spreadsheet will just be saved with this information.) If a staff has more than one rate of pay enter the hours worked under the “Regular Hours” rate of pay). If a staff has more than one rate of pay enter the hours worked under the “Regular Hours” rate of pay). Once again ensure the second “Rate” is saved to the spreadsheet. Once again ensure the second “Rate” is saved to the spreadsheet. Overtime hours ***CLARIFY*** Overtime hours ***CLARIFY*** Any new staff completing their initial 2 week training hours or any staff completing further training, will have those hours allotted to training entered into the “Training” column. These hours are NOT included in the total “Regular Hours”. Any new staff completing their initial 2 week training hours or any staff completing further training, will have those hours allotted to training entered into the “Training” column. These hours are NOT included in the total “Regular Hours”.

The total bonus from the Training and Bonus template for each employee will be entered into the “Bonus$$” column. The total bonus from the Training and Bonus template for each employee will be entered into the “Bonus$$” column. If a Stat. Holiday falls within the pay period, the Stat Holiday hours will be entered in “Stat. Holiday Hours.”4 weeks prior to the holiday. If a Stat. Holiday falls within the pay period, the Stat Holiday hours will be entered in “Stat. Holiday Hours.”4 weeks prior to the holiday. The number of hours that the staff would like to be paid out of their accrued vacation pay, can be entered into “Vacation Pay Hours”. The number of hours that the staff would like to be paid out of their accrued vacation pay, can be entered into “Vacation Pay Hours”.

Formula’s  Formulas are used to help simplify payroll and help complete it in a timely fashion.  Formulas are used to calculate the Salary Cost, Total Bonus, each Bonus Field, Total Hours, Total Salary Cost, and Staff % *** REMEMBER*** These formulas are already entered into your spreadsheet, they will not need to be altered unless specified or imputed unless deleted. These formulas are already entered into your spreadsheet, they will not need to be altered unless specified or imputed unless deleted.

 Salary cost is calculated by adding all hours and bonuses together and multiplying it by 1.14 to include Vacation Pay and Government Inclusions ie CPP Ie =((b13*c13)+(d13*e13)+(f13*g13)+(i13))*1.14 ((Reg Hrs*rate)+(2nd Hrs*rate)+(OT hrs*rate)+(Bonus)+(stat hrs*rate)+ (vac pay))*1.14 (80hrs*$10)+(10hrs*12hrs)+(0*__)+($50)

 Total Bonus is calculated by adding all the bonus’s together. This can be done in two ways:  =sum(i13:23) {Select the first bonus (i13) to be included in the total and the last bonus (i23). This will add all numbers between and including this numbers together to give you the Total Bonus  OR  Highlight the rows you want included in your total and then click the sum button located on the toolbar along the top Σ  INSERT spreadsheet toolbar

 Total Salary Cost and Total Hours are calculated the same as Total Bonus just using the Salary Cost column or Hours column.  Total Hours will then be imputed into the bottom of the sheet by using the formula  =b31 (total hours)  For Bonus Tracking the Bonus for each field ie: Footcare, Allergy is calculated by inputting the formula:  Ie: FC bonus : =b9*5  =footcare booking total*$5  For FC techs: =d9*2  =pts seen*$2

 Bonuses must then be totaled for each Column and each Row (for every employee)  Using the easy sum method  Highlight the rows you want included in your total and then click the sum button located on the toolbar along the top ”Σ”  Bonus total for each employee =C11+E11+G11+I11+K11+M11+O11  FC booking bonus + FC bonus+ Allergy Bonus + Allergy Booking bonus + flu shot bonus + Orthotic bonus + FHG bonus  Staffing % is calculated by imputing total salary cost =O31 into cell B40  Then inputting your total bi-weekly billings ie $57000  %= b40/b41  Staffing % = Total Salary cost/Bi-weekly billings

Training and Bonus Report  In order to save a lot of time and effort on Monday morning, it is helpful to track your bonuses as the week progresses.  By compiling the information needed for payroll on Monday, the only thing that will be required on the Monday morning will be to add in the hours and total your bonuses.  Compiling this information can easily be done by simply entering the information into a column in front of your bonus column.

 By typing = #+# etc, you can enter each of the bonuses as they occur and have them automatically totaled for you.  Using the formula listed below, will calculate the total bonus for each bonus field  Ie: FC bonus : =b9*5  =footcare booking total*$5  For FC techs: =d9*2  =pts seen*$2  Once again verify that each column is total and each employee has a total bonus (see formulas).  All FC hours should be logged under Footcare Hours as well as all training hours.

Vacation Pay  Vacation pay is accrued for the employee and their total appears on their pay stub.  An employee can request part or all of their vacation pay on any paycheck.  If the staff misses a day of work and would like that day made up out of their accrued vacation pay, the number of hours they would like paid out can be added under this column, provided the staff has the appropriate funds.  A staff can verify the amount of Vacation Pay they have accrued at any time with Lee Thompson.  All accrued vacation pay will be paid out on the last pay period of December unless otherwise requested by the staff member.

Stat. Holiday Hours  If a Stat. Holiday falls within the pay period, the Stat Holiday hours can be calculated by looking up the number of hours worked by the employee over the last 4 weeks prior to the holiday and dividing that total by 20. (refers to 5 days a week over a 4 week period) ie. Staff worked 160 hours in 4 weeks, 160/20=8 hrs stat pay.  If a staff member works on the Stat. Holiday, the hours worked will be added to the “Regular Hours column”, and their Stat Holiday hrs will also be calculated and imputed based on the above calculation.

 The following are the official Stat. Holidays:  New Year’s Day  Good Friday  Victoria Day  Canada Day  Labour Day  Thanksgiving Day  Christmas Day  Boxing Day  All other holidays are Civic holidays and staff are not entitled to pay for these days unless they work that day.

Overtime Hours  The Appletree group of company’s is all associated so the rules for overtime apply as if the group was one employer.  A staff member must obtain PRIOR approval from their manager before working any overtime hours. The maximum hours combined at all locations cannot exceed 88 hrs in a biweekly period.

Secondary Rate of pay  Some staff will be paid two different rates of pay depending on what job they are doing.  If a staff gets a different rate of pay for a program as opposed to MA’ing,

Training Hours  Any new staff completing their initial 2 week training hours or any staff completing further training, will have those hours allotted to training entered into the “Training” column. These hours are NOT included in the total “Regular Hours”.  Each staff will receive 40hrs of training in their second week of training.

Start and End Dates  1st day of Work – It is important to document the first day that new staff as well as existing staff from other centers, work at your center.  Last Day of Employment – It is important to document the last date worked by any staff leaving AMG. By entering the end date that will notify leave to issue their ROE and pay out any accrued vacation pay.

Salary cost  The total salary cost consists of total hours, bonuses, vacation pay, CPP and EI.  This is calculated by multiplying the total hours and bonuses by  This directly affects the staffing %, the higher the salary cost,

Scheduled hours  Using your Schedule template to retrieve the Bi-weekly hours for the pay period, will allow you to enter the projected scheduled hours and the actual hours worked by staff.  The variance will also be calculated to see if staff are working more or less than their scheduled hours.

Bi-weekly billings  In order to calculate the staffing percent you will need to know how much your centre earned over the 2 week pay period. In order to access this information, go to PPN ReportsCustomOptions Bi-weekly Physician Billing  Search for your location. At the bottom of your location there will be a total revenue for your centre. Take the total amount and subtract, Admin, Allergy and Orthotics from this total and you will have your amount for the centres Bi-weekly Billings.

Staffing %  It is important to monitor the staffing % at your centre to ensure that the total cost expended is not disproportionate to the total revenue received.  This is why it is measured by dividing staff costs by total revenue.  The higher the staffing costs in relation to the billings received, the less funds available to invest in staffing and the centre.  This where monitoring slow periods and programs are key to properly managing staffing needs.

Minimum shift Expectations  If a staff is called in to work a shift or is sent home from a shift early, we must pay them for a minimum of 3 hrs. Therefore, keep the staff to catch up on admin duties until the 3 hr mark.