ANCIENT GAMES By: Bryce Marshall
MANCALA This game originated in the Middle East. Its name comes from the Arabic word naqala, meaning “to move”. The game is still played today, which is how we know it existed. The game had a board with rows, and the pieces are stones. The game is played with 2 players. There are many different rules depending on which region of the world you go to. You play by attempting to take more stones than your opponent. Gameplay doesn’t take too long, the individual games have a medium length. Depending on the region of the world you are in, the game has plenty of different names. The game does not seem to be related to other games of its time.
TABULA The game originated in ancient Rome. There are records of Roman emperors playing this game. The board looks like a backgammon board, and the game is thought to be backgammon’s ancestor. Two players play this game. The rules were reconstructed in the 19 th century based on an epigram. The play requires you to move some of your 15 pieces according to dice rolls. The game is also called ludus duodecim scriptorium. The game does not seem to be related to other ancient games.
GO Originated in China about 2500 years ago. There are paintings and drawings of the ancient Chinese playing this game. The board looks like a little table. The game is played with 2 people. The rules exist. You are required to capture your opponents pieces by surrounding your opponent’s pieces with your own minutes are required to play the game. The game is also called Igo, Baduk, Paduk, and Weiqi. The game is not related to other games.
MAHJONG The game originated in China. There are records of Chinese emperors playing this game. The game is played by two players. The rules exist. You play by using your tiles in different ways. The game seems to have no other names. It does not seem to be related to other games.
THE ROYAL GAME OF UR The game originated in the Middle East, before 2600 BC. The game boards were found in a tomb, which is how we know it was played. The boards are shaped like rectangles connected together. Two players played this game. The rules have been forgotten. It is unknown how long a game took. The game was also called Asseb in ancient Egypt. It does not seem to be related to other games.