World Geography Midterm Review 2014
post-industrial economy An economy where manufacturing no longer plays a significant role.
Culture Rock music, denim jeans, and celebrating the Fourth of July are all part of the American…?
plates The earth’s crust is made up of…?
Arctic The five oceans are the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern and…?
physical The study of the earth’s land, water, plants, and animals is part of _______ geography.
lower Places near the Equator are in the _______ latitudes.
air temperature decreases How does climate change as altitude increases?
a mountain range When two continental plates collide, they make…?
regions Your state, your school district, and the Great Plains are all…?
French culture Many of the people of Quebec want to preserve their…?
undefended border Between Canada and the United States lies the world’s longest…?
Queen of England The ceremonial ruler of Canada, with no real power, is the…?
Parliamentary Democracy Canada’s government is a _______ ______.
Fishing The major industry in the Maritime/ Atlantic Provinces of Canada is…?
NAFTA Trade barriers between Canada, the United States, and Mexico were ended by…?
Executive, Legislative, Judicial Name the USA’s three branches of government.
The Great Lakes The large lakes shared between the USA and Canada are known as…?
mid Most of the United States lies in _____ latitude climate region.
Baja California The peninsula located south of California and west of Mexico is known as…?
Aztec Tenochtitlán, the site of present-day Mexico City, was built by the…?
Spain Mexico was a colony of what European country?
Aztec A Spanish army led by Hernán Cortés defeated the…?
tropical Central America’s climate is mainly…?
Cuba The island in the Caribbean that is only 90 miles from Florida is…?
Brazil The largest country by land area in Latin America is…?
Brazil The Amazon Basin is located in the northern region of…?
Portuguese Brazil’s culture is largely…?
favelas Many Brazilian cities are surrounded by ____, or slum areas.
Chile The long thin country located in western South America and stretches along the Pacific coast down to Cape Horn…?
economic Producing goods is the concern of all _____ systems.
refugees People forced to leave their homeland because of wars or unjust governments are called…?
job opportunities The main reason people move to cities is…?
Geographic Information System The special computer software used by geographers to gather information about a place and observe change over time is…?
deforestation The process of cutting down forests and converting the land into non-forest use is called…?
provinces Canada is made up of 10…?
west The Pacific Ocean borders Mexico on the ____ side.
plantations Wealthy farmers grow sugarcane on…?
Spain From which country did most Central American countries gain independence?
The United States of America Today Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of…?
The Amazon River The second-longest river in the world is…?
Pampas Fertile South American lowlands covering portions of Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil…?
Roman Catholic What is the religion of most people in Colombia?
Equator Ecuador’s name comes from the Spanish word meaning…?
Mexico City Mexico’s capital city is…?
Russia Across from Alaska’s western shores lies…?
Maquiladoras Many foreign companies have built factories called ____ in Mexico.
50 How many states are in the United States of America?
latitude The climate of a place is affected mostly by its ____, or location north or south of the Equator.
The United States of America Who built the Panama Canal?