Access is Via Staffnet
Access You log onto the staff portal to access the program
Staff Portal Expenses claims is available under the MY SERVICES TAB
Home Page
From this screen you can see the claims history. Start a new claim Make a claim for either yourself or a delegate
Delegation You can choose someone else to complete the form for you You then choose who you are making the claim for
Claim Form When you start the claim form you need to click the declaration that you are making the claim within the University Financial Regulations
Claim Form Put a title on the claim form. This is also be printed on the form Field holds 55 Characters
Claim Form The form holds all the major categories that are allowable under the university regulations
Claim Form Sub categories
Claim Form HMRC need as much information as possible about why you have incurred the expenses.
Claim Form All Expenses claims need to be supported by a valid itemised receipt to be HRMC compliant. One line per receipt. Debit/Credit card stubs are not acceptable
Claim Form Activity/Project and Task Code is needed. IE is entered automatically via the item that is being claimed
Completed Form
Entertaining Either Staff or Business entertaining is claimed on the online form.
Entertaining The PR1B has been incorporated in the new online form. Under new HMRC guideline we need to record certain fields. Therefore to be HMRC compliant we have made a number of fields mandatory. Full names and company details are now a mandatory.
Incorrect forms If your form is incorrect for any reason it will be returned directly to the claimant. The form can be corrected online and then reprinted. Return it to the Budget holder and Section Head for re authorisation. It will return into the normal payroll payment cycle.
HELP If you have technical issues raise an ARS If you have a finance issue contact your school finance office E.g.. Unknown Finance codes Handy Guides are available if you have a query about what you are claim for Or Or Telephone 58213