Van Gogh’s Sunflowers Self-Portrait, 1887 Still Life: Vase with Twelve Sunflowers, 1888
Who Was Van Gogh? A Dutch Post Impressionist artist A poor artist who was born in the Netherlands and later lived in France from 1853 to 1891. He tried many different jobs before becoming a artist: Art dealer, minister, and bookkeeper. He never sold a painting in his life, but is now one of the most famous painters in the world. And his art work sells for up to as much as $82.5 million.
Post Impressionism Van Gogh was influenced by Paul Gauguin. Gauguin was a leader of Post Impressionism. Intense colors Apply paint thick Visible brushstrokes
Sunflowers Vincent began painting sunflowers to decorate his friend, Gauguin's, bedroom. The majority of Van Gogh's sunflowers in vases were created in Arles, France during 1888-1889. He wanted to show the stages and life of sunflowers.
What is the different about these two paintings? Artist: Diego Rivera Artist: Vincent Van Gogh
Which sunflower painting do you like better? Why? #1 #2
Color What warm colors do you see? What cool colors do you see? There are neutral colors in this painting, too. Can you find them?
What is a tint/shade? Tint=Mixing white with a hue (or a color) to make it appear lighter. Shade=Mixing black with a hue to make it appear darker.
What is the positive space? What is the negative space? Space Positive Space=The space occupied by and object. Negative Space=The space around an object. What is the positive space? What is the negative space?
References References