TODAY’S OBJECTIVES Understand keys to success Learn about goals Make the connection between goals and success Master the concept and use of Baby Steps
Keys to “Success” Remember and celebrate your achievements so far –Accepted to a major university –Narrowed field of study to a major –Identified internship or job opportunities
More Keys to “Success” Keep learning from others –Family & friends –Informational interviews – –What Should I Do With My Life? (Po Bronson)
And More Keys to “Success” Define your next achievement Create an action plan Work your plan (just do it)
What is a goal? Definition? –The purpose toward which an endeavor is directed; an objective. Examples?
What makes a good goal? A good goal is SMART A bad goal is DUMB
S.M.A.R.T. GOALS Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timeline / Trackable
Specific Goals I will send out resumes. Better: I will find 25 accounting firms in greater Indianapolis and send each company a resume and cover letter by November 1 st.
Measurable Goals I want to do well in classes my last semester. Better: I want to earn a 3.85 GPA in my last semester.
Attainable Goals I want to earn my MBA within 6 months year of graduation. Better: Want to earn my MBA within five years of graduation.
Relevant Goals I want to improve my piano skills before getting an accounting job. Better: I want to improve my public speaking skills before applying for sales jobs. Goal must also be something you choose – not something that’s thrust upon you.
Trackable Goals (Timeline) Get a job Better: I will: –Research at least 20 major companies in my field by the end of May –Set up 3 informational interviews in May –Send out 25 resumes by May 20 Goals are dreams with deadlines Diana Scharf Hunt
D.U.M.B. Goals Dateless Unsupportive Muddy Beyond reach
Choosing Goals Just the first step Must design AND WORK an action plan to achieve your goals
Volunteer Must be able to take instruction well Our goal: Get the volunteer to shake my hand Action Plan –Clear instruction –Clear order
Using Goals: Your Action Plan! GOAL GOAL –GOAL GOAL –GOAL GOAL Goal goal
Fall Goals Pick a goal you want to achieve Devise an action plan –Action I’ll take –Resources I’ll need –Timeline for completion –Support that is available to me Be SPECIFIC and set a TIME LINE
What obstructs achievement? Poorly defined goals Not knowing your weaknesses
Perceived Weaknesses of Today’s Graduates The Northwestern Lindquist-Endicott Report, Northwestern University Unrealistic expectations Poor communication skills No practical work experience Lack of initiative and workplace ethics Minimal understanding of the World of Work Inappropriate attitude Undesirable personal qualities Lack of career direction and goals
What else obstructs achievement? Physical obstacles Knowledge Skills / Ability Psychological barriers
Psychological barriers: F.E.A.R. False Evidence Appearing Real Common fears: –Fear of failure –Fear of success Use your logic microscope! Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
Psychological barriers: Motivation Sometimes you “won’t feel like it” Recognize this & prepare for it Build and use your support system
PEOPLE WHO HELP Friends Family Advisors Counselors Mentors
PEOPLE WHO HINDER Friends Family Advisors Counselors Mentors
Psychological barriers: Habits THINGS I DO I LOVE (what helps me achieve)
Psychological barriers: Habits THINGS I DO I LOVE (what helps me achieve?) THINGS I DO I HATE (what keeps me from doing?)
Psychological barriers: Habits THINGS I DO I LOVE (what helps me achieve?) KEEP DOING THESE! THINGS I DO I HATE (what keeps me from achieving?) WORK ON CHANGING THESE HABITS!
Psychological barriers: Feeling overwhelm ed Too much all at once Unexpected interruptions Multiple priorities
The Power of Baby Steps They directly support a bigger goal You have all the resources at hand You can finish them in ½ hour or less A mountain is climbed a single step at a time.
The Power of Baby Steps Look at your goal Review the first step in your action plan Does it pass the baby step test? –Does it directly support a bigger goal? –Do you have all the resources at hand? –Can you can finish it in ½ hour or less? If not, keep breaking it down!
Your Action Plans Examples? Questions? Don’t forget the Keys To Success!
ENJOY YOUR SUCCESS (you earned it!) “There are two things to aim at in life: first, to get what you want; and, after that, to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second.” Logan Pearsall Smith