Road map for Digital India I nformation C onnectivity B usiness T ransparency E ducation I nformation C onnectivity B usiness T ransparency E ducation Presentation by Kalpesh Popat
Why India Should go Digital Roadmap for Digital India: – Digital Business Network – Digital Road Network – Digital Civic Network – Digital Knowledge Network Task Force: Digital Innovation Group Contents
Bring connectivity: Citizens can approach government easily – Is there an easy way for Citizen to provide complaints / Feedback ? – How will they know if Govt official have read it, have plans to take any action on it? Bring transparency: Increase accountability – Is there a way to identify and punish those who commit crime / break rules – Is there a method that can easily expose criminals and hence discourage such activity – How to easily track all expenses made by govt on initiatives and projects Better education: Increase digital education early in syllabus – Basics of computer education need to scale up (eg: how to Type, word, excel, power point, how to identify spam, how to avoid being victim of fraud) Why India should go Digital
Bring business: Improve SMEs and entertainment industry – How do we bring confidence in SMEs to go online from servers in India – World over statistics shows correlation between connectivity and growth – Many set business closed down as they couldn’t fulfill demand of today’s youth, i.e. a convenient way to watch movie & play high quality games – Game business alone is estimated to reach 70 billion USD by 2015 Better information: Manage city better with interactive information – Monitoring of finite resources- energy usage by home (smart meter) and gain better control on grid utilization – Data on population, food scarcity, commodity, and natural resources degradation, wildlife and bio-diversity trends Why India should go Digital
Roadmap Digital Business Network Digital Road Network Digital Civic Network Digital Knowledge Network Digital Innovation Group Following groups are identified to take India to next level in Digital growth
ProjectBenefits A) Improve Quality of Internet Promote A grade internet India will see following benefits: 1.Growth of entertainment business (by having access to high definition movies, music, games) 2.Reduce piracy and revenue loss 3.Growth of datacenter business in India 4.SMEs will confidently promote online business -Alone in USA, entertainment business is growing at 5% a year reaching to 16 billion $ by Home users in USA get 100 mbps (A grade quality) internet vs India 10 mbps (D grade quality) or 2 mbps (B grade quality) -4G in USA gets 50 mbps vs India at 3G gets 5 mbps B) Improve Speed of Internet Adopt latest technology C) Improve Data / Rs ratio Make it cheaper D) Improve quality of power Availability of stable and continuous power Digital Business Network
Digital Road Network ProjectBenefits A) Improve surveillance Camera & speed guns Increase feeling of security Monitor and Serve the travelers under stress Monitor real-time traffic data and stream to service providers for live traffic updates Ensure vehicle do not cross speed limit B) Digitize Map City roads, highways, speed limits, tourist attractions Increase tourism as youth today likes to research and plan before travelling Encourage future growth and research in car automation C) Digital vehicle RF-ID For improving accountability of rule breakers Easily identify and fine penalties when road rules are broken (eg: identify and fine those breaking signals when police is not their to monitor) Encourage road safety, reduce accidents, provide better road experience to all (including pedestrians)
Digital Civic Network ProjectBenefits A) Provide Personal ID to all citizen For tracking their medical records, social responsibility index (how well they behave in public places), crime records Idea is to encourage simpler rules for important services. Provide better treatments to a responsible citizen and have tougher rules only for the trouble makers (eg: due to few cheaters all Indians have to face stricter rules for medical insurance making it difficult to reimburse or to avail cashless service) Centralize medical records will ensure better and quicker service to patients B) Provide local govt call center and mobile app for addressing grievance Provide easy access to Citizen to communicate with govt Citizens can report clogged rain drains, excessive noise, illegal trash dumping, faulty street lights, open potholes, with location and pictures. Reported cases then go directly into the city’s work order queue for resolution And they can monitor live status and know when the request is closed
Digital Knowledge Network ProjectBenefits A) Improve digital education Early in the school to encourage quality output Everyone must know how to type efficiently To use basic document editing tools: word, excel and power point (90 % of people do not know how to use document editing tools efficiently) To recognize the good and bad of internet world (spam, digital frauds, security rules) B) Monitor house energy usage By installing smart meters Monitoring energy use will encourage home users to be more energy efficient C) Monitor Natural resource Wildlife, and bio-diversity trends Track natural resource degradation, provide data to expert for easy analysis Encourage conservation and expose illegal activities D) Online information sharing Improve transparency Track population, food scarcity, food commodity Realtime data of government spending's (on projects, initiative- city, state and country level)
Digital Innovation Group ProjectBenefits A) Centralize Task force Govt body to oversee projects Ensure projects are thorough, approved, implemented, maintained and benefits reaped B) Continuous innovation To understand citizens need, find new projects, and initiate Continuous journey to bridge the gap between citizen and government: -Municipal info, government service info, city wise safety data -Listen to citizens feedback and identify projects to support them C) Research work Encourage research through education institution and labs -Encourage research in core upcoming technology to improve speed, capacity, education (eg: hologram based virtual education) -Initiate competition to encourage young students, individual research scientist to come out and demonstrate their work without feeling insecured
Summarize Govt must focus on the citizen experience and think about what should be there and what should not be there, areas of concern and how to react quickly. Any digital system must be useful to the end user (in this case Citizen of India) And must help in protecting society and environment Thank you